For the starting point Hailo provides a Sanity Pipeline that helps verify that the installation phase went well.
Example applications performance varies on different hosts (affected by the host's processing power and throughput).
- Sanity Pipeline - Helps you verify that all the required components are installed correctly
- Detection - single-stream object detection pipeline on top of GStreamer using the Hailo-8 device.
- Depth Estimation - single-stream depth estimation pipeline on top of GStreamer using the Hailo-8 device.
- Instance segmentation - single-stream instance segmentation on top of GStreamer using the Hailo-8 device.
- Multi-stream detection - Multi stream object detection (up to 8 RTSP camera into one Hailo-8 chip).
- Face Detection and Facial Landmarking Pipeline - Face detection and then facial landmarking.
- Tiling - Single scale tiling detection application.
- Multi-stream Multi-device - Demonstrate Hailo's capabilities using multiple-chips and multiple-streams.
- Python - Classification app using
with python post-processing. - License Plate Recognition - LPR app using
vehicle detection,tiny-yolov4
license plate detection, andlprnet
OCR extraction with Hailonet network-switch capability. - Multi Person Multi Camera Tracking Pipeline - Tracking persons across multiple streams.
- Century Pipeline - Detection Pipeline with multiple devices.