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🚧 TODO directory structure
🚧 TODO with the frontend guild
- Prefix the PR title with the name of the component: [{ComponentName}] A short description
- When a component, an icon or an scss class is added or modified, check the following: - Stories are updated or created: Check the documentation in the stories and update if necessary. - Unit tests are updated or created for ng components. - 🚧 UiDiff.
- Add a label "Technical", "Feature" or "Issue".
- Add a label "Documentation changes" when a stories is added or modified.
- Check the build before posting the PR on slack.
- Add a Github issue.
- Add a label "Feature" or "FIX".
- Add the appropriate labels ("Front", "Design sync"…).
- Create a branch from the "rc" branch for the current milestone, or from the tag version when a bug target a specific version. For a bug, specify all versions impacted.