- Create health policy scanner - really simple script to scrape web
- Sold to TrialCard. Started with 10k each
- Sweat equity key
- Asked for exit from co-founder - bought out shares
- Not super keen on entrepreneurship
- Boring
- Not for agreeable people - lots of HR decisions.
- High pressure
- Vs the blockbuster approach - lots of $$
- IS is the intersection of Business/Law/Society with SE/CS
- Doing a sales forecast - pricing
- 8-12x EBITDA for sale price
- Walkthru web scraping
- Node/puppeteer. See github.com/nosequeldeebee
- Extended Venn diagram: IT (technical)/Org (rules, policies, branding) but add legal/social/geographical element eg. Child sexual exploitation - first tech, then police
- Another element is the ethics component (all encompassing)
- ChatGPT training - Kenya 1$-2$ a day - now PTSD
- legal: how does Uber get into Vancouver - Passenger Transport Board (3 vs 19)
- Technology is one system is a bigger class of systems
- Rick Watson - systems thinking
- A-flow vs v-flow
- Is there an analogy in software?
- Ford - linear thinking
- Dominoes picture
- Tesla vs Ford - Teslas have computers in them - Teslas have a charging network - OTA updates and no dealers - Disrupts dealers, electricity networks, gas stations, mechanics, insurers
- Google Glass
- Aesthetic
- Privacy - glassholes
- Tech not ready
- TV
- Remote
- Hard to adopt - wife was changing it anyway
- Point being that if you don’t understand the social, the tech is irrelevant
- (Also rabbit ears, subscriptions)
- Sink with 2 taps
- UK approach
- Took change in building code because people getting hurt
- So we can model things
- Positive / negative feedback loops
- Drug use - more police, more sentences. (My class - harm reduction, decriminalize)
- Rates of growth - need to model this - lily pads
- Bike theft project - how to stop. System dynamics
- Connection to drugs/homelessness/mentail health/
- Stop bike theft, increase other problems (car breaking)
- Delhi traffic case
- Efficient
- Reasonably safe
- Delhi still has insane rates of traffic death
- Uncontrolled - self organized
- Informal communication
- Pay more attention
- Very adaptive -
- Ian McCarthy SFU - change the seating patterns in class
- Why do you sit there? Friends, outlets, eyeglasses, etc.
- Force them to sit in a particular spot - annoyance, pushing (minor change)
- Garbage containers
- RFID tags
- Phones destroyed, tags destroyed
- Informal organization of container pickups - including clients and drivers.
- “Losing 2 hrs of beer drinking time” - motivates things