- docs: build and deploy docs during travis build (b25614b3)
- firebase: set project for deploy (8f6b3c57)
- add travis script, npm scripts, and dependencies (2a255c1f)
- pwa: update app icons (81296880)
- events: add authentication of location and time to check in (1d2f1aa9)
- interfaces:
- create interface for user object (3b94befd)
- create interfaces for items stored in firebase (3d94fdf7)
- docs:
- add docs to create event and remove unused services (0a610ca5)
- create docs for route guards (5d4eb9c9)
- dependencies: update npm dependencies (3d98086a)
- push to move progress to macbook (ca8f6164)
- configure dev environment for firebase (26971e25)
- initial commit from @angular/cli (8f82d9f2)
- README: update readme (d2dea86d)
- functions: add documentation for firebase functions (d80c671d)
- update readme (ae0712ff)
- add remaining docs to app (97cdeabc)
- sign-in component documentation and profile service documentation (5f4d4ea5)
- documentation for services (0c987826)
- add docs for components and services (and created activity pipe) 🤡 (d650a101)
- places: add docs for places service (35158c95)
- location: add docs for location service (0a2fac41)
- services: add documentation for user service (57939619)
- navigation: add link to navigate to a place on google maps (d2be101f)
- functions:
- flesh out hooks for badges and validation in hooks (51755154)
- api endpoint to fetch and parse CT parks data (ee6b5832)
- events:
- show checked in users as chip (ee0a661a)
- selecting events in home sets fragment in url for modal (f787cc63)
- create hook to purge past events (cfb23ed8)
- duplicate events into active collection (6b30dba5)
- show events in place (12f15496)
- display events in home (889e41a5)
- create an event from place (a4f7d795)
- profile:
- add route guard to ensure profile exists to navigate to (41c172c3)
- display user attended and created events on profile (c575b22f)
- link to profile from event (694f72e2)
- create profile on account creation (c2a04703)
- places: open modal immediatley to event of route fragment (1e97facd)
- pwa: add service worker and manifest (886a9ea2)
- wikipedia: display wikipedia information on place page (2ac0b9f2)
- activities:
- check in feature for events; various cleanup of services (b44a1868)
- instantiate activity service and firebase (626b631f)
- routes: protect with guards and add navigation in home (895cda3e)
- toggle: stub toggle button in home navbar (ace97a6d)
- badges: instantiate badges on profile creation. (6a517c39)
- place: display place on map from id (0adb92ff)
- welcome:
- create welcome component and user function (7eb5c5cb)
- display user location on map (67be948f)
- map: query geohashes in home area (fca55da6)
- home: display map in home section (28cad666)
- modules: add core and shared modules (39a36ec3)
- swipe: fix swipe of cards on place page (580d19d5)
- events: change dimension of events modal (5eceeaa3)
- functions: get eventId instead of ied for checkins oncreate hook (bcdbc809)
- map:
- disable centering on user swipe (055a3403)
- fix map display and items overlaying on map (b4d236d3)
- wikipedia: set wikipedia as oncreate hook (639648a4)
- services: duplicate services in index.ts (8e00d1b9)
- deploy:
- wrap serviceAccount in try/catch (1ee8649f)
- wrap serviceAccount in try/catch (1356a269)
- build: install functions dependencies during postinstall (1c90d957)
- interfaces: refactor import and export of interfaces (c5943ff8)
- app: fix quirks of some components and add swipe for nav (9bd3661f)
- services: add $key to queries (00688146)
- profile: reorganize component to use data from profile (3a71fb00)
- events: update events to query same way as places (64cddc33)
- places:
- implement quicksort on distance in geofetch (2978dc5e)
- imrpove performance of geoqueries (d40179cc)
- home: restyle home with fullscreen map and card (eb2bc705)
- functions: migrate from geofire to geokit (0fa15ba0)
- sign-in: embed sign-in component to welcome component (a20ec48f)