% RSCRAPER(1) RSCRAPER User Manual % NotCompsky % June 2019
rscrape - Family of utilities for scraping from Reddit and utilising the scraped data.
Prior to using the programs, the relevant environmental variables must be set.
RSCRAPER_MYSQL_CFG : File path of the MySQL config file. Use rscraper-init(1) to initialse this, as it is very particular about the format.
RSCRAPER_REDDIT_CFG : File path of the Reddit user authorisation. Use rscraper-init-scraper(1) to create this, as it is also particular about the format.
RSCRAPER_REGEX_FILE : Only used by rscrape-cmnts(1), and not required for it. Path of a file containing a regex against which to match comment contents.
rscrape-cmnts(1), rscraper-hub(1) rscraped-reason(1), rscraped-tagged-subs(1), rscraper-export(1), rscraper-id2str(1), rscraper-import(1), rscraper-init-scraper(1), rscraper-init(1), rscraper-str2id(1), rscraper-tagger-server(1),