directory | description |
archive | Various Qt development tools installation packages, both new and old (you can download the Qt development environment and source code) |
community_releases | Community customized Qt library, Tizen Edition Qt and Qt additional source package |
development_releases | Development Edition, which has new and old unstable versions, is an informal version in the Qt development process |
learning | There are documentation tutorials and demonstration videos for learning Qt |
ministro | The mini version, currently available for Android |
official_releases | The official release is a stable version of the Qt library and development tools (you can download the Qt development environment and source code) |
online | Qt online installation source |
snapshots | A preview of the latest development tests in the Qt library and development tools |
Since the latest version of QT only supports online installation, I'll use online installation as an example here
Index of /qtproject/official_releases/online_installers/
The mode of online installation will be slow in China, so we need to add the following parameters at startup:
.\qt-unified-windows-x64-online.exe --mirror
vim ~/.bashrc
export PATH=~/Qt/Tools/QtCreator/bin:~/Qt/6.4.2/gcc_64/bin:$PATH;
source ~/.bashrc
qtcreator &
cd dlink_gdbserver
qmake -o ~/build/
make --directory=~/build/
cd build
# Starting In GUI Mode
# Starting In Command Line Mode
./dlink_gdbserver -f ../dlink_gdbserver.cfg
Creating a rule file
sudo vim /etc/udev/rules.d/50-dlink.rules
Write Dlink-related USB rules
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="28e9", ATTRS{idProduct}=="018a", GROUP="users", MODE="0666"
Reload USB rules or reboot your computer
sudo udevadm control --reload