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Apache Hive

Table of Contents

How will you improve the performance of a program in Hive?

There are many ways to improve the performance of a Hive program. Some of these are as follows: Data Structure: We have to select the right data structure for our purpose in a Hive program. Standard Library: Wherever possible, we should use methods from standard library. Methods implemented in standard library have much better performance than user implementation. Abstraction: At times, a lot of abstraction and indirection can cause slow performance of a program. We should remove the redundant abstraction in code. Algorithm: Use of right algorithm can make a big difference in a program. We have to find and select the suitable algorithm to solve our problem with high performance.

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Can we use Hive for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems?

No, Hive is not suitable for OLTP systems. It does not support insert and update at each row level. In OLTP systems, we have to update each order or each row.

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How will you change the data type of a column in Hive?

We can use Alter statement to change the data type of a column in Hive. Command will be as follows: ALTER TABLE tableName REPLACE COLUMNS (columnName dataType)

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What is Metastore in Hive?

Hive table definitions, mappings and other metadata are stored in Metastore. This can be stored in a RDBMS supported by JPOX. By default only one user can see Metastore at a time. Metastore has two parts. Metastore Service: This service provides interface between Hive and users/processed. Metastore Database: This database stores table definitions, data mappings etc. In default configuration, Hive Metastore is stored in same JVM as Hive driver. This is also known as Embedded Metastore, which is good for Dev and Testing environments. We can also use an external DB like MySQL for storing Metadata. This configuration is called Local Metastore.

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What is SerDe in Hive?

SerDe is a short name for Serializer/Deserializer. In Hive, SerDe is used for input/output interface. For any communication we have to Serialize and Deserialize the data.

With SerDe, Hive can read data from a table and write it to HDFS in a custom format. We can also implement custom SerDe to handle our own data formats. During map and reduce, Hive can use serialize methods of LazyBinarySerDe and BinarySortableSerDe. We can also use ObjectInspector, for a SerDe to serialize an object created by another SerDe.

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What are the components in Hive data model?

There are following components in Hive data model: Tables: These are tables similar to Relation Database (RDBMS). We can create filters on tables. We can run joins and union on tables. Table data is stored in HDFS. Rows in a table are organized like columns in a RDBMS. Each row can have a datatype. Partitions: In each table in Hive, we can specify partition keys that determine how the data is stored. With partition we can optimize the queries to only looks specific dataset instead of scanning whole table. Buckets: In each partition, we can divide the data into buckets. Each bucket is based on the hash of a column in a table. There is a separate file in which each bucket of a partition is stored. With buckets it is efficient to evaluate queries based on a sample of data.

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What are the different modes in which we can run Hive?

We can run Hive in following modes: Local mode: In Hive local mode, Map Reduce jobs related to Hive run locally on a user machine. This is the default mode in which Hadoop uses local file system. Distributed Mode: In this mode, Hive as well as Hadoop is running in a fully distributed mode. NameNode, DataNode, JobTracker, TaskTracker etc run on different machines in this mode. Pseudo-distributed Mode: This is the mode used by developers to test the code before deploying to production. In this mode, all the daemons run on same virtual machine. With this mode, we can quickly write scripts and test on limited data sets.

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What are the main components of Hive?

Main components of Hive are as follows: Hive Driver: Hive Driver receives queries from users. It handles sessions and provides commands to execute and fetch APIs that are similar to JDBC/ODBC interface. Metastore: All the Metadata information about Hive tables and partitions is stored in Metastore. It also maintains information about columns and column types. It knows about the serializers and deserializers that are used in reading and writing data to corresponding HDFS files. Hive Compiler: The compiler in Hive parses queries and performs semantic analysis on different query blocks and query expressions. It also generates the execution plan for looking up data from tables and partitions. Execution Engine: This is the Hive component that executes the execution plan created by compiler. The Execution engine manages the dependencies between different stages of the execution plan. It executes different stages of Execution plan on the relevant system components. User Interface (UI): Hive provides a UI for users to interact with the system. Users can submit queries and execute other operations on the system.

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What is the use of Hive in Hadoop ecosystem?

Hive provides a SQL like interface to interact with data stored in Hadoop eco-system. We can create tables in Hive and store data into them. Hive is also used for mapping and working with HBase tables. Under the hood, Hive queries are converted into MapReduce jobs. So Hive hides the complexity associated with creating and running of MapReduce jobs.

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What Collection Complex data types are supported by Hive?

Hive supports following Complex/Collection data types: Map: This is a collection of key value pairs. We can specify [key] to get the value stored at key in the collection. Array: This is an index based ordered sequence of values in a collection. We can access it with an index like [i] where i is the location of an element. Struct: This is a record type that has other named fields inside. It is similar to struct in C or object in Java. Uniontype: This is similar to Union in C. Since support for this data type is not fully available, we should not use it.

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What is the use of .hiverc file in Hive?

In Hive, .hiverc is the initialization file. This file is loaded when we start Command Line Interface for Hive. We can set the initial values of parameters in this file.

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How will you run Unix commands from Hive?

We can run Unix commands from Hive shell by using ! sign. We have to append ! sign before a unix command. E.g. For using date command we have to run it as !date in Hive shell.

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What is the purpose of USE command in Hive?

In Hive we have to call USE command before running and hive queries. USE command sets the current database on which query statements will be executed. We can call USE default to set the database to default database. Or we can call USE database_name to set the database on which we want to run the queries.

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What is the precedence order in Hive configuration?

In Hive we can use following precedence order to set the configurable properties. Hive SET command has the highest priority -hiveconf option from Hive Command Line hive-site.xml file hive-default.xml file hadoop-site.xml file hadoop-default.xml file

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How will you display header row with the results of a Hive query?

Hive provides a property hive.cli.print.header to set the configuration in which header row is printed. It is as follows: hive> set hive.cli.print.header=true;

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Can we create multiple tables in Hive for a data file?

Yes, we can create multiple table schemas for a data file. Hive will save schema in Hive Metastore. Data will remain in same file. Based on the schema we can retrieve different results from same Data.

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How does CONCAT function work in Hive?

Hive provides CONCAT function to concatenate the input strings. We can specify multiple strings in a comma-separated list. here is another function CONCAT_WS in Hive that can be used to specify the custom delimiter.

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How will you change settings of a Hive session?

We can use SET command to change the settings within a Hive Session. We can even change the settings of MapReduce job with SET command. If we just call SET command with a property name, we will get the current value of the property. With SET -v we get the list of all the properties including Hadoop default in Hive system.

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How will you rename a table in Hive without using ALTER command?

We can use IMPORT/EXPORT statements to rename a table in Hive. We first export the original table to a location by EXPORT statement. hive> EXPORT TABLE tableName TO ’TEMP_LOCATION’ Then we create new table with IMPORT statement. hive> IMPORT TABLE newTableName FROM ’TEMP_LOCATION’

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What is the difference between SORT BY and ORDER BY in Hive?

In Hive we use, SORT BY to sort data in each Reducer. We can use multiple Reducers in SORT BY clause. We can use ORDER BY to sort all the data that passes through one Reducer. So ORDER BY option can be use only with one Reducer. ORDER BY guarantees total order in the output. SORT BY guarantees ordering only within the data of one reducer.

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What is the use of strict mode in Hive?

We use strict mode in Hive to avoid performing full scan of a table in a query. It is very useful when we have a very large table. We can use set hive.mapred.mode=strict command to put Hive into strict mode. In this mode, any query that needs full table scan will throw error to user. Strict mode is a useful option in Hive to improve performance and avoid any unexpected delays due to full table scan.

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What is the use of IF EXISTS clause in Hive statements?

We use IF EXISTS clause in DROP TABLE statement. When we drop a table, there can be a case that table does not exist. In such a case DROP statement will give error. In case we are not sure if the table exists or not in Hive, we use DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tableName statement to drop a table. This statement will not give error in case table does not exist.

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What is the use of PURGE in DROP statement of Hive?

We use PURGE option when we are absolutely sure to delete the data of a table. With DROP TABLE tableName PURGE statement, table data will not go to trash folder. So it cannot be retrieved in case of an accidental DROP statement.

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What are the main limitations of Apache Hive?

Apache Hive is a popular tool in Hadoop eco-system. Some of the limitations of Hive are as follows: OLTP: Hive cannot be used for OLTP applications, since it does not support record level update, insert statements. Data Warehouse: Hive is more suitable for data warehouse applications on Big Data. Latency: Hive queries have higher latency than SQL due to time overhead during start-up. Batch Oriented: Hive is mostly used in Batch- oriented use cases. OLAP: For Online Analytic Processing (OLAP) we can use Hive. We can use HBase also for OLAP processing.

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What is the difference between HBase and Hive?

HBase is a NoSQL database. It supports update, insert and delete statements at record level. HBase does not support a query language like SQL. But we can use Hive with HBase for querying purpose. Hive runs on MapReduce. HBase runs on HDFS. Apache Hive is a data warehousing and data analytics framework that is used for data warehouse applications. HBase is a NoSQL database on top of HDFS.

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What is ObjectInspector in Hive?

ObjectInspector is used in Hive to look into the internal structure of a complex object. It is an interface that is implemented by classes like StandardListObjectInspector, StandardMapObjectInspector, StandardSetObjectInspector etc. Main use of ObjectInspector is in SerDe package for Serialization and Deserialization. We have to make sure that hashCode() and equals() methods of Object class work for ObjectInspector as well.

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What are the main components of Query Processor in Apache Hive?

The main components of Apache Hive Query Processor are as follows: Parse and SemanticAnalysis (ql/parse) Optimizer (ql/optimizer) Plan Components (ql/plan) MetaData Layer (ql/metadata) Map/Reduce Execution Engine (ql/exec) Sessions (ql/session) Type interfaces (ql/typeinfo) Hive Function Framework (ql/udf) Tools (ql/tools)

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How will you resolve an out of memory error while running a JOIN query?

In case of JOIN query with large tables, we have a lot of data in memory. This can cause out of memory error.One simple solution for handling this error is to change the RIGHT OUTER JOIN to LEFT OUTER JOIN. We should try to put the table with a large number of rows on the rightmost side in a JOIN query.

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What are the different SerDe implementations in Hive?

There are many implementations of SerDe in Hive. We can also write our own custom SerDe implementation. Some of the popular implementations are as follows: ByteStreamTypedSerDe RegexSerDe OpenCSVSerde DelimitedJSONSerDe

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What is the use of HCatalog?

Hadoop provides a table and storage management layer called HCatalog. With HCatalog users in Hive can use different data processing tools like- Pig, MapReduce, Hive, Streaming etc to read and write data on the grid. With HCatalog we can read and write files in any format for which SerDe is available. Default options supported by HCatalog are: RCFile, CSV, JSON and SequenceFile. In HCatalog we can see the data in a relational view.

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What is the Data Model of HCatalog?

HCatalog has same datatypes as Hive. We can create tables in HCatalog to store data. These tables can be placed in a Database. We can also partition HCatalog tables based on a Hash. There are multiple dimensions in a HCatalog partition. There are records in a partition. Once a partition is created, we cannot add or remove records into it. Records are divided into columns. Each column has a name and a datatype. Overall, HCatalog data model is similar to Relational Data Model.

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What is RLIKE operator in Hive?

RLIKE is an operator similar to LIKE in SQL. We use LIKE to search for string with similar text. E.g. user_name LIKE %Smith Hive provides RLIKE operator that can be used for searching advanced Regular Expressions in Java. E.g. user_name RLIKE .* (Smith|Sam).* This will return user_name that has Smith or Sam in it.

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Can we use same name for a TABLE and VIEW in Hive?

No, we cannot use same name for a table and view in Hive. So we have to select a unique name for a view in Hive.

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How will you load data into a VIEW in Hive?

This is a trick question. We cannot use VIEW in Hive INSERT or LOAD statement. We can only load data into a Hive table.

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What is Bucketing in Hive?

With Bucketing in Hive, we can divide datasets into manageable parts. It is similar to hashing. Even if the size of data set varies, we can still have fixed number of buckets. Also with bucketing we can do map-side joins in Hive. E.g. Let say we have a table with date as a first level partition and user_id as second level partition. The date may have smaller number of partitions. But user_id may have a large number of partitions. If we have millions of users, there will be millions of second level partitions and files. To avoid creating so many partitions, we can do bucketing instead of partitioning on user_id. With bucketing, we can use HASH function to put different user_ids in different buckets. We can create a manageable number of buckets for user_id values.

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What are the pros and cons of archiving a partition in Hive?

We can archive some less used partitions in Hive. The main advantage of archiving is that it will decrease the number of files to be stored in NameNode. We can even query an archived partition in Hive. The main disadvantage of archiving is that queries become slower and less efficient in Hive. What are the table generating functions in Hive? Table generating functions in Hive are user-defined functions like CONCAT that take a single row and give an output of multiple rows.Some of the Table generating functions are: EXPLODE(array) EXPLODE(map) STACK() JSON_TUPLE()

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How can we specify in Hive to load an HDFS file in LOAD DATA?

We have to remove the LOCAL clause from LOAD DATA statement to avoid loading the local file. Once LOCAL clause is removed, we can load HDFS file.

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What is a Skewed table in Hive?

A Skewed tables is a special type of table in which some values in a column appear more often. Due to this the distribution in skewed. In Hive, when we specify a table as SKEWED during creation, then skewed values are written into separate files and remaining values go to another file. E.g. CREATE TABLE tableName (column1 STRING, column2 STRING) SKEWED BY (column1) on (value1) During queries, we get better performance in Hive with SKEWED tables.

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What is the use of CLUSTERED BY clause during table creation in Hive?

CLUSTERED BY in Hive is same as DISTRIBUTE BY and SORT BY. When we specify CLUSTERED BY, it will first distribute the data into different reducers by using a Hash. Once data is distributed, it will sort the data. We have to specify CLUSTERED BY clause during table creation. But it is useful in querying of data in Hive.

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What is a Managed table in Hive?

Managed tables are the tables in which files, metadata and statistics etc are managed by internal Hive processes. Hive creates Managed tables by default. When we drop a managed table or partition, then all the metadata and data associated with the table is also deleted. We use Managed tables, when we want Hive to manage the lifecycle of a table. Even for temporary tables, we use managed tables in Hive. When we run DESCRIBE FORMATTED tableName statement, it displays whether a table is MANAGED_TABLE or EXTERNAL_TABLE.

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How will you prevent data to be dropped or queried from a partition in Hive?

We can use ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE NO_DROP to prevent a table partition from being dropped. We can use ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE OFFLINE to prevent a table partition frombeing queried. In offline mode, we can still access metadata of a table partition.

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What is the use of TOUCH in ALTER statement?

In Hive, TOUCH clause in ALTER statement is used to read the metadata and write it back. This operation will modify the last accessed time of a partition in Hive. With TOUCH statement we can also execute the POST and PRE hooks on a table partition. This statement cannot be used for creating a table or partition if it does not exist yet.

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How does OVERWRITE clause work in CREATE TABLE statement in Hive?

We use OVERWRITE clause in CREATE TABLE statement to delete the existing data and write new data in a Hive table. Essentially, as the name suggests, OVERWRITE helps in overwriting existing data in a Hive table.

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What are the options to connect an application to a Hive server?

We can use following options to connect an application a Hive server: JDBC Driver: We can use JDBC Driver with embedded as well as remote access to connect to HiveServer. This is for Java based connectivity. Python Client: For Python language application there is Python client that can connect to Hive server. Ruby Client: With Ruby client driver also we can connect to Hive server. Thrift Client: We can use Beeline command line shell to connect to Hive server over Thrift. For production mode, this is one of the very good options. It is a secure option for production use. Also we do not need to grant HDFS access to users for using Thrift client.

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How TRIM and RPAD functions work in Hive?

TRIM and RPAD functions are for processing String data type in Hive. With TRIM function we can delete the spaces before and after a String. It is very useful for formatting user input in which user may have entered extra spaces. The other variations of TRIM function are LTRIM and RTRIM that remove spaces from left and right side of the string respectively. E.g. TRIM(Smith) Smith RPAD function is used to add padding (extra spaces) in a String on the right hand side. So that String reaches a specified length. LPAD function is same as RPAD but it pads on the left hand side of String. E.g. Let say we have a String “Hello”.LPAD(Hello,8, ) Hello We can also specify our optional padding character in RPAD and LPAD functions. These functions are similar to the ones in SQL.

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How will you recursively access sub-directories in Hive?

We can use following commands in Hive to recursively access sub- directories: hive> Set mapred.input.dir.recursive=true; hive> Set hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories=true Once above options are set to true, Hive will recursively access sub- directories of a directory in MapReduce.

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What is the optimization that can be done in SELECT * query in Hive?

We can convert some of the SELECT queries in Hive into single FETCH task. With this optimization, latency of SELECT query is decreased. To use this we have to set the value of hive.fetch.task.conversion parameter. The permissible values are: 0: It means FETCH is disabled. 1: It is minimal mode. SELECT *, FILTER on partition columns (WHERE and HAVING clauses), LIMIT only 2: It is more mode: SELECT, FILTER, LIMIT only (including virtual columns) "more" can even take UDF expressions in the SELECT clause.

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What is the use of ORC format tables in Hive?

We use Optimized Row Columnar (ORC) file format to store data efficiently in Hive. It is used for performance improvement in reading, writing and processing of data. In ORC format, we can overcome the limitations of other Hive file formats. Some of the advantages of ORC format are: There is single file as the output of each task. This reduces load on NameNode. It supports date time, decimal, struct, map etc complex types. It stores light-weight indexes within the file. We can bound the memory used in read/write of data. It stores metadata with Protocol Buffers that supports add/remove of fields.

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What are the main use cases for using Hive?

Hive is mainly used for Datawarehouse applications. Hive used Hadoop and MapReduce that put some restrictions on use cases for Hive. Some of the main use cases for Hive are: Analysis of static Big data Applications in which less responsive time is acceptable Analysis of data that does not hange rapidly What is STREAMTABLE in Hive? In Hive, we can optimize a query by using STREAMTABLE hint. We can specify it in SELECT query with JOIN. During the map/reduce stage of JOIN, a table data can be streamed by using this hint. E.g. SELECT /*+ STREAMTABLE(table1) */ table1.val, table2.val FROM table1 JOIN table2 ON (table1.key = table2.key1) In above query we are using table1 as a stream. If we do not use STREAMTABLE hint then Hive will stream the right most table in the JOIN query.

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What are the different Types of Tables available in Hive?

There are two types. Managed table and external table. In managed table both the data an schema in under control of hive but in external table only the schema is under control of Hive.

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Is Hive suitable to be used for Oltp systems?

No Hive does not provide insert and update at row level. So it is not suitable for OLTP system.

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Can Table be Renamed in Hive?

Alter Table table_name RENAME TO new_name

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Can we change Data Type of column in Hive Table?

Using REPLACE column option ALTER TABLE table_name REPLACE COLUMNS ……

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What is Metastore in Hive?

It is a relational database storing the metadata of hive tables, partitions, Hive databases etc

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What is the need for Custom Serde?

Depending on the nature of data the user has, the inbuilt SerDe may not satisfy the format of the data. SO users need to write their own java code to satisfy their data format requirements.

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Why do we need Hive?

Hive is a tool in Hadoop ecosystem which provides an interface to organize and query data in a databse like fashion and write SQL like queries. It is suitable for accessing and analyzing data in Hadoop using SQL syntax.

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What is the Default Location where Hive stores Table Data?


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What are the Three Different Modes in which Hive can be run?

Local mode Distributed mode Pseudodistributed mode

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Is there a Date Data Type in Hive?

Yes. The TIMESTAMP data types stores date in java.sql.timestamp format

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What are Collection Data Types in Hive?

There are three collection data types in Hive. ARRAY MAP STRUCT

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Can we run Unix Shell Commands from Hive?

Yes, using the ! mark just before the command. For example !pwd at hive prompt will list the current directory.

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What is Hive Variable?

The hive variable is variable created in the Hive environment that can be referenced by Hive scripts. It is used to pass some values to the hive queries when the query starts executing.

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Can Hive Queries be executed from Script Files?

Using the source command. Example: Hive> source /path/to/file/file_with_query.hql

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What is the Importance of .hiverc file?

It is a file containing list of commands needs to run when the hive CLI starts. For example setting the strict mode to be true etc.

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What are the default Record and Field Delimiter used for Hive Text Files?

The default record delimiter is − n And the filed delimiters are − 01,02,03

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What do you mean by Schema on Read?

The schema is validated with the data when reading the data and not enforced when writing data.

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How do you find list all Databases whose name starts with P?


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What does the use command in Hive do?

With the use command you fix the database on which all the subsequent hive queries will run.

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How can you Delete Dbproperty in Hive?

There is no way you can delete the DBPROPERTY.

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What is the Significance of the Line Set Hive.mapred.mode = Strict.

It sets the mapreduce jobs to strict mode.By which the queries on partitioned tables can not run without a WHERE clause. This prevents very large job running for long time.

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How do you check if a Particular Partition Exists?

This can be done with following query SHOW PARTITIONS table_name PARTITION(partitioned_column=’partition_value’)

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Which Java Class handles the Input Record Encoding into files which store Tables in Hive?


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Which Java Class handles the Output Record Encoding into files which result from Hive Queries?

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What is the significance of if Exists clause while dropping Table?

When we issue the command DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table_name Hive throws an error if the table being dropped does not exist in the first place.

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When you point a Partition of Hive Table to New Directory so what happens with Data?

The data stays in the old location. It has to be moved manually.

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Write Query to Insert New Column new_col Int into Hive Table at a position before an existing Column x_col.


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Does Archiving of Hive Tables give any space saving in Hdfs?

No. It only reduces the number of files which becomes easier for namenode to manage.

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How can you Stop Partition form being queried?

By using the ENABLE OFFLINE clause with ALTER TABLE atatement.

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While loading Data into Hive Table using Load Data Clause so how do you specify it is a Hdfs File and not a Local File?

By Omitting the LOCAL CLAUSE in the LOAD DATA statement.

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If you omit Overwrite clause while creating Hive Table so what happens with File which are new and files which already exist?

The new incoming files are just added to the target directory and the existing files are simply overwritten. Other files whose name does not match any of the incoming files will continue to exist. If you add the OVERWRITE clause then all the existing data in the directory will be deleted before new data is written.

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What is a Table Generating Function on Hive?

A table generating function is a function which takes a single column as argument and expands it to multiple column or rows. Example exploe()

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How can Hive avoid Mapreduce?

If we set the property to true then hive will avoid mapreduce to fetch query results.

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What is the difference between Like and Rlike operators in Hive?

The LIKE operator behaves the same way as the regular SQL operators used in select queries. Example − street_name like %Chi But the RLIKE operator uses more advance regular expressions which are available in java Example − street_name RLIKE .(Chi|Oho). which will select any word which has either chi or oho in it.

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Is it possible to create Cartesian Join between 2 Tables using Hive?

No. As this kind of Join can not be implemented in mapreduce

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As part of optimizing Queries in Hive what should be the Order of Table Size in Join Query?

In a join query the smallest table to be taken in the first position and largest table should be taken in the last position.

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What is the Usefulness of the Distributed by clause in Hive?

It controls how the map output is reduced among the reducers. It is useful in case of streaming data.

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Can Name of a View be Same as Name of a Hive Table?

No. The name of a view must be unique when compared to all other tables and views present in the same database.

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Can we load Data into View?

No. A view can not be the target of a INSERT or LOAD statement.

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What types of Costs are associated in creating Index in Hive Tables?

Index occupies space and there is a processing cost in arranging the values of the column on which index is cerated.

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What is Bucketing?

The values in a column are hashed into a number of buckets which is defined by user. It is a way to avoid too many partitions or nested partitions while ensuring optimizes query output.

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What does streamtable do?

It is query hint to stream a table into memory before running the query. It is a query optimization Technique.

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Can Partition be Archived?

Yes. A partition can be archived. Advantage is it decreases the number of files stored in namenode and the archived file can be queried using hive. The disadvantage is it will cause less efficient query and does not offer any space savings.

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What is Generic Udf in Hive?

It is a UDF which is created using a java program to server some specific need not covered under the existing functions in Hive. It can detect the type of input argument programmatically and provide appropriate response.

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How do you specify Table Creator Name when creating Table in Hive?

The TBLPROPERTIES clause is used to add the creator name while creating a table. The TBLPROPERTIES is added like: TBLPROPERTIES(creator= Joan)

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