- use hspec
- it seems that the console has a fixed refresh rate of 21 fps, so if we render an a slightly different fps there will be every once in a while a frame than will be slow (as if a frame was skipped) for animations. It would be nice to synchronize animation exactly with console fps to have a better fluidity
make a brick-breaking game
make a tower based defense game
make a pong
Play multiple games at once
create a text-decorated RectContainer
provide "nice" default colors (notion of palette?)
- some evolutions don't use the timing aspect as another evolution times them. some evolutions don't use the interpolation aspect as they are only used to time. => we should separate the 2 aspects by defining 2 distinct types.
- animate frame color while transitioning (red -> white -> red)
- reduction from 2 edges
- abstract away the fact that it's a terminal renderer: we could pass
- an IO function that receives a differences
- a function to say "render what you received" since last call
- the "clear" / resize would happen here The goal is to provide an opengl backend
the vector of differences the use of putChar / putStr, the definition of rendering commands. The user of the library passes a function that computes the cheapest way
when building delta, store the last difference (coords + color) : if the next difference can be drawn with the same colors as the previous difference, see what is more efficient:
- 2d position change (like today) : (9)
- 1d position change (3,4,4) "\ESC[C" "\ESC[2C" "\ESC[3C"
- spaces are better for gap of 1,2,3
- tabs ? "\ESCH" sets a tab at the current location. tabs -2 sets a tab very 2 columns,
max 20 columns (http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007904875/utilities/tabs.html)
- if tabs are every 1 columns, (tabs -1) it is equivalent to space : better for 1,2,3
- if tabs are every 2 columns, and if we are on a tab stop, tabs are better for 2,4,6
- if tabs are every 3 columns, and if we are on a tab stop, tabs are better for 3,6,9
- if tabs are every 4 columns, and if we are on a tab stop, tabs are better for 4,8,12
- (n,targetTabStop) = distanceToPrevTabstop(target)
- (b,myTabStop) = amIOnTabStop -- returns the closes forward tab stop if not on one yet
- m = distanceInTabs(myTabStop, targetTabStop)
- total = if myTabStop <= targetTabStop then n + m + b?1:0 else doitwithspaces
- compare with usage of position commands and take smallest.
make tests to see the effect of buffer size on screen tearing :
- alternate '|' with '-'
- same with random colors
- same with worst case : background and foreground change all the time, same-background colors are far away (to avoid positional optimization)
create an app to test engine.
Merge all (color + position) commands to save 2 bytes.
Another optimization is to chose the type of "position change" command we send based on the relative location of successive elements: today we use exclusively the 2 dimensional version (9 bytes on average), but it would be more efficient to switch to
- the "go forward (optionally n times)" version (3 to 5 bytes) when the previously rendered element was on the same row.
- the "printStrLn "
measure if it's faster to buffer the string sent to putStr on our side
stats to see stdout buffer usage
test Unicode support (document, provide an example)
it could be more efficient to have a global contiguous buffer for the string that will be actually written.
- take into account the fact that character width and height are not equal, so geometric figures are stretched in height. We could compensate for that by using a stretching factor in poly function and circle function