- Parameterized interface that represents generalized grouping of object
- Specified methods - adding, removing, testing object for membership, iterating, return elements as an array, return the size of the collection
- Set
- It doesn’t allow duplicates. Otherwise nothing really special
- HashSet - represent by hash table
- TreeSet - implements SortedSet, it is red-black tree
- LinkedHashSet - keeps order, hash table. It is extended by a doubly linked list between the elements, allowing them to be accessed in the order in which they were inserted
- EnumSet - only enum values
- CopyOnWriterArraySet - thread safe without synchronized methods, implemented as array
- List
- Each element of the list has position or index. It is similar as Array but size can be changed.
- LinkedList - needs more memory than ArrayList (double-linked list). It is efficient for working with beginning and end of the list but inefficient for random access. Good for adding and removing elements.
- ArrayList - array allocate more 1.5x more space when it is full
- CopyOnWriteArrayList - thread safe, fast traversal, slow modification
- Vector - just legacy (Java 1.0) -> should not be used
- Stack - legacy, extends Vector, use Deque instead!
- Queue & BlockingQueue
- It has fixed capacity. It is possible to access only first element
- PriorityQueue: needs comparator
- ArrayDeque: can be used as stack
- Methods:
- It is the interface and does not implement Collection interface
- It is a set of key objects that map value object
- Methods:
- HashMap - we can not be sure about an order that objects will be iterated. careful about method hashCode()
- TreeMap - is sorted Map according method comapreTo() or class Comparator. Implemented interface SortedMap
- LinkedHashMap - elements are iterated in same order as they were inserted
- EnumMap - represented as array
- ConcurentHashMap - thread safe implementation, (
If object/collection implements Iterable, it means that it has method iterator()
which return an iterator that can loop through objects in the collection.
Classes contain static util methods for a work with Array/Collection
- They are anonymous functions that are not associated with a class and can be treated as value
- Can be used whenever the type is a functional interface (single abstract method, SAM). It provides the implementation of the abstract method.
- Lambda expression should satisfy:
- Lambda must appear where an instance of an interface (@FunctionalInterface) type is expected
- Expected interface type should have exactly one mandatory method (single non-default method)
- Expected interface method should have a signature that exactly matches that of Lambda expression
- Variable in the surrounding scope can be used in a Lambda expression, but they must be either final or effectively final
- Method (static or instance) reference:
takes single value and returns nothingSupplier
is opposite to ConsumerFunction<T, R>
accepts one argument and returns oneUnaryOperator<T>
is specialized form of functionBinaryOperator<T>
is specialized form of BiFuntionPredicate<T>
is boolean-value function of one argument
- New lazy evaluated abstraction of the
. It has a similar role toIterator
. - It can be generated from collection via
method - Sequence of operator (pipeline) can be applied to the collection
- The result needs to be gathered back into collection on the end of pipeline. We can use
or terminal method asreduce()
- Streams supports parallel access - multithreaded way
- Streams do not manage storage for data. It is possible to build infinite stream but
won’t work for them. - Filter accepts an instance of
(fits for a Lambda expression too) that takes in one value and returns a boolean value. The predicate has also methodor()
. - Map uses interface
Function<T, R>
and transforming collection one type into a collection of a different type. - ForEach takes an argument of type
. That means that one value is accepted, but nothing is returned. - Reduce takes two arguments identity and aggregator. The aggregator is the type of