- Abstract computing machine (i.e. JVM HotSpot)
- JVM parameters:
-Xms<heap size>[g|m|k] -Xmx<heap size>[g|m|k]
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=<metaspace size>[g|m|k]
-Xmn<young size>[g|m|k]
- ...
- Class Files
- It has very specific layout with section of magic number, standard version, constant pool, access flag (public, ...), class name, inheritance info, implemented interfaces, fields, methods, attributes
- The often used section is the constant pool. It holds representation of all methods, classes, fields, and constants that class needs to refer to
- Class Object
- Class object can be obtained by method
. Class object contains metadata - methods, fields, constructors
- Class object can be obtained by method
- Memory Addresses
- JVM memory is an array of bytes with addresses (pointer), where one field has 4 bytes.
- Java references are called handles. It is a pointer to a pointer. Second pointers are stored in the special table.
- Memory Object
Add new types to running JVM process and it is only way how new code can enter a system.
- loading - loader reads Class Files and generates binary data into method area. For every class is stored - type, name and parent name, constants, references (class, field, method), method code. After loading class object, the JVM creates (only one) object of type Class in the Metaspace (non-heap memory).
- linking
- verification - loader verify the correctness of file
and bytecode for a preventing the JVM from undefined state or crash. JVM allocates memory for class variables. - preparations and resolution - check whether all classes that are necessary are known to the runtime if not new loading process can be started. (Optionally) Replacing symbolic references from the type with direct references.
- verification - loader verify the correctness of file
- initializing - all static variables are assigned with their values defined in the code and static blocks (if any) are run.
The loader try to resolve and load class only if parent is unable
- Primordial classloader - first class loader in any JVM process. It is used to load core system classes
- Extension classloader - used only load JDK extension
- Application classloader - loads application code from classpath
- It is possible to define your own loader (then you will need reflection)
http://blog.jamesdbloom.com/JVMInternals.html#stack_restrictions https://dzone.com/refcardz/java-performance-optimization
- Heap - contiguous (shared) block of memory, which is reserved at JVM startup. It is used for all new objects. (4 parts: eden, 2 survivor space, old generation)
- OutOfMemoryError - When Java Heap is full. We can use ‘Java Heap dump’ which is a snapshot of Java Heap Memory (commands jmap, jhat)
- MetaSpace - It is in native memory (OS heap), Metaspace auto increases its size by default, it is garbage collected when reaching
. It contains Method area + code cache (JIT optimization)- problem with class loader leak - There can be too many classes loaded
- Method area - all class level information - class name, parent name class name, methods bytecode, and variables information etc. are stored, including static variables
- Stack - Each thread has run-time stack where frames are stored with method calls (depth 20,000-ish calls). All local variables of that method are stored in their corresponding frame
- PC Registers - store address of current execution instruction. Each thread has separate
- Native Method Stacks - a separate native stack is created for every thread. It stores native method information.
- It executes bytecode (.class), contain two executing modes client and server
- Interpreter - interprets bytecode line by line, if method is called many time, every time interpreted is required
- Just-In-Time Compiler(JIT) - increase the efficiency of Interpreter. It compiles entire bytecode change it to native code, whenever Interpreter see repeated method is called
- Garbage Collector - destroy unreferenced object from Heap Memory