title |
Communication Strategy |
If you share this strategy online or in person, please feel free to add details here, including links where needed. Anyone can contribute to this to help build a global picture of how this Strategy is being shared. This framework can also be used as the basis for future 'open'-related projects.
NOTE All done by Jon, 01/08/2018
- R2RC
- OpenAire
- OpenUP
- The Carpentries (went out in their August newsletter)
- Creative Commons
- Mozilla Open Leaders
- OpenCon
- Open Knowledge International
- Global Open Science Hardware Community
NOTE to be contacted (added 18/10/2018)
- [SIPS] (https://twitter.com/improvingpsych)
- [OSI] (https://twitter.com/OSIUnited)
- [COPE] (https://twitter.com/@C0PE)
- [TriangleSCI] (https://twitter.com/TriangleSCI)
- [SCOAP3] (https://scoap3.org/)
- [Open Library of the Humanities] (https://www.openlibhums.org/)
- Schol Comm (Jon) - DONE
- Open Science (Jon)- DONE
- GOAL (Lisa) - DONE
- FORCE11 (Jeroen)
- RadicalOA (Jon) - DONE
- OpenScience-NL (Jeroen)
- OpenScience-DE
- Open Science Göttingen (Lisa) - DONE
- OpenCon (Jon) - DONE
- LIS bibliometrics (Jon) - DONE
- PSCI COMM (Jon) - DONE (4294 recipients)
- OpenAccess at Wikimedia
- Network of open science grassroots networks
- Australian_OA_Community
- Everything Hertz
- Road 2 Open Access
- Blackgoat
- PhD career stories
- eLife labs blog
- Scholarly Communications @ Duke blog, Kevin Smith
- https://science20.wordpress.com/
- LSE Impact blog
- The Scholarly Kitchen
- The Con
- Undark
- the-scientist.com
- Learned Publishing
- LQ
- forum.igdore.org
- http://www.openaccesspledge.com/?page_id=2
- https://opennessinitiative.org/signatories/
- http://thecostofknowledge.com/
- http://www.nodealnoreview.org/
- http://www.researchwithoutwalls.org/
- http://www.openaccesspledge.com/
- https://emckiernan.wordpress.com/pledge/
- The Open Scholarship Initiative posted a nice blog post about the strategy!
- IFLA (2018) - Fiona
- PUBMET (2018) - Jon