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Deployment with Ansible

For deployment to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS machines


  • You have SSH access to this machine set in your .ssh/config
  • You have registered a domain name for this site and set the DNS to point at your machine's IP address

Install Ansible

See Ansible docs for more info:

sudo apt install ansible
# ~~~ or ~~~
python -m pip install ansible

Application configuration

  1. Modify the hosts file webserver block to match your webserver's hostname

  2. Create host_vars/ and add a key for your webserver's hostname (replace with your actual hostname):


  1. Update the certbot_renew_email var in group_vars/webserver.yml

  2. Update webapp configuration in group_vars/webserver.yml to suit:

    • Default admin login (please update these for security)
    • smtp credentials for your mail server
    • Optional - Host installation paths:
      • project_root - where this git repository will be cloned
      • server_root - where server configuration will be saved
      • django_root - where the application will be served from
      • venv_root - where the virtual env will be created
  3. Create five variables in the file group_vars/secrets.yml:

  • admin_email - login to admin site
  • admin_password - password for above
  • database_password - localhost database auth
  • django_secret_key - for Django to hash database passwords etc
  • smtp_password - mail server SMTP password (for webforms mail)
  1. Encrypt these Ansible secrets with the ansible vault. Create ~/.ansible.vault.pass if you don't have one already - it should contain a secure and secret password:
    ansible-vault encrypt group_vars/secrets.yml --vault-password-file ~/.ansible.vault.pass

Deploy GMS

ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml --vault-password-file ~/.ansible.vault.pass