The tested configuration of ONE-PIX on a raspebrry is :
- on a Raspberry Pi 4B model with 8 Go RAM.
- with Raspbian bullseye version 11 (32-Bit) OS
- with Python 3.9 (default)
Maybe other OS and Raspberry Pi models are available but not tested yet.
We recommend to use The ONE-PIX with a remote control Desktop.It allows you to run acquisitions in a more automated way.
To install the Raspbian OS on the SD card you can follow steps on this link here
To remote control your raspberry pi you can follow this tutorial here
The first step of this installation is to clone the ONE-PIX directory from GitHub.
From the Raspberry Pi, open a terminal and go to the desktop with the following command line:
cd Desktop
Download the ONE-PIX software from git
sudo git clone
To install ONE-PIX on the raspberry pi board just run the for that go in ther install folder with this command :
cd ONE-PIX/install
and run the installation script with this command :
sudo chmod +x ./
[IF NEEDED] To use ONE-PIX kit you need to activate the Raspberry Pi camera for that go
Enable SSH,VNC and the camera
If you want to implement another model of camera on the ONE-PIX you need to see here
[INCLUDED IN THE AUTOMATIC INSTALLATION METHOD] In order to perform ONE-PIX measurements, it is necessary to set up a second screen dedicated to displaying the patterns to be projected on your scenes.
You need to change the boot/config.txt file of the Raspberry Pi to force the double screen stored in DLL folder. You need to supress your existing boot/config.txt and replace it by preconfiguring config file stored in the[install folder](../ONE-PIX _soft/src/DLL).
For that use these command lines :
sudo rm /boot/config.txt
sudo cp ~/Desktop/ONE-PIX/install/config.txt /boot
First, shutdown the Raspberry Pi and replug in the hardware benchtop.
Then, plug the mini HDMI on the HDMI1 port.
Power on the projector and the Raspebrry Pi board.
Remote control your Pi with your computer.
Now, you need to configure screen display. For that, go in the screen configuration menu:
This window will pop up:
The HDMI1 and HDMI2 are superimposed. You need to grab HMDI 2 at the right of HDMI 1 with the mouse.
Now with VNC Viewer you can see two screens. The first one is the screen of the Raspberry Pi desktop and the second is the screen of the projector.
set the resolution of the screen 1 with 1024x768 pix and the screen 2 in 600x800pix.
click one the green ticks to validate changes.
The installation is now complete. Now you can follow the tutorial measure hyperspectral image to measure your first hyperspectral datacube !