[BREAKING] CloudSync Sharing Consent CDC now switches to a new, and definitive interface. The README is up-to-date, the new standard is:
const cdc = window.cloudSyncSharingConsent;
// init the cdc on a given anchor, `#prestashop-cloudsync` by default.
cdc.init(anchorSelector = '#prestashop-cloudsync');
// listen to onboarding completed events
cdc.on(eventName: string, callback: function() => any);
// ask for the current state of onboarding
cdc.isOnboardingCompleted(callback?: function() => Boolean);
// asynchronously ask for the current state of onboarding
async cdc.isOnboardingCompleted(): Promise<Boolean>;
You may change the anchor name as well:
<div id="share-consent-bar"></div>
<div id="prestashop-cloudsync"></div>
And remove the zoid script:
This allows you to better integrate with the component, and get the proper callback when your onboarding can continues. That's all!