All notable changes to the Quantum Technology Toolbox will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- python 3.11 support
- python 3.10 support
- pgeometry.pg_rotz
- pgeometry.pg_affine2hom
- tools.profile_expression
- tools.interruptable_sleep
- tools.get_git_versions returns empty dicts
- FPGA_ave driver
- tools.negfloat
- videomode integration tests
- videomode processor integration tests
- type hinting warnings/errors for mypy (0.991)
- Convert
into a dataclass. AddChoiceGenerator.generate_choices
(#831) - Qiskit pass to remove a gate by name (#833)
- Remove legacy virtual awg (#845)
- Added raised cosine function (#851)
- Use latest qilib 0.3.11 (#853)
- Removed The functionality is available on (#836)
- Removed the Keysight virtual awg (#846)
- Remove (#853)
- Add measure_time context for measuring execution time (#765)
- Added python 3.9 support (#773)
- Added optimizer callback functionality (#779)
- Add method to combine legends of multiple matplotlib axes (#782)
- Passes for Qiskit (#784)
- Functionality plot onto a matplotlib Axes object (#785)
- Context manager 'restore_at_exit' in the 'VirtualDAC' object (#792)
- Removed legacy construction for monitorSizes (#802)
- Added method to integrate qiskit circuits into larger circuits (#805)
- Improve HDAWG8 upload times and M4i re-arm time (#806)
- Improve sine fitting by estimating the phase (#762)
- Added default value for fig argument of create_figure_ppt_callback (#766)
- The 'dataset_labels' method can handle both DataSet's DataArray's (#771)
- Hickle is now optional for installation (#773)
- update lmfit_method (least_squares) for double gaussian fit and warn if legacy arguments are used (#791)
- Allow create_figure_ppt_callback to operate on a figure handle (#797)
- Added option to show selected points in click_line method (#804)
- Allow hostname to be set in rda_t (#812)
- Add parameter results to plots of RTS and two-level threshold (#818)
- Update default method (least_squares) for lmfit in gauss_ramsey fitting and fit_sine (#821)
- Removed deprecated code (#764)
- Removed gtk branch in mpl2clipboard (#803)
- Removed deprecated methods from (get_latest_dataset, istep) (#814)
- Removed deprecated methods from (load_instrument_configparser, save_instrument_configparser) (#814)
- Removed deprecated methods from (defaultVmatrix, getHn) (#814)
- Removed some docs/notebooks/unfinished/examples (#814)
- Removed deprecated classes (UHFLIScopeReader, UHFLIStimulus, ProcessSawtooth1D, ProcessSawtooth2D) (#814)
- Removed deprecated classes (SignalProcessorRunner, TimeStampInstrumentAdapter) (#814)
- Removed deprecated classes VirtualAwgInstrumentAdapter, VirtualDACInstrumentAdapter) (#814)
- Deprecated instrument adapters. Deprecated post-processing tools in qtt.measurements.post_processing (#777)
- Deprecated functionality to store system states with h5py (#780)
- Deprecated methods in qtt.instrument_storage (#783)
- Fixed numpy deprecation errors for np.float32 (#760)
- Fixed issue dotsystems makebasis (#801)
- Fix scanjob_t parsing for negative scan direction (#817)
- Support for python 3.8 added (#672)
- Add virtual awg settings to snapshot (#739)
- Replaced implementation of polyintersection from Polygon3 to shapely (#744)
- Included exampledata in distribution (#715)
- Changed names of exampledata sets (#721, #750)
- '17-57-24' renamed to 'addition_line_scan'
- '2017-01-10/09-45-15' renamed to 'charge_stability_diagram_anti_crossing'
- '2017-02-21/15-59-56' renamed to 'polarization_line'
- '2017-09-04/11-04-14_qtt_scan2Dturbovec' renamed to 'charge_stability_diagram_anti_crossing_virtual_gates'
- '2017-09-04/11-04-45_qtt_scan1Dfastvec' renamed to 'PAT_scan_background'
- '2017-09-04/11-05-17_qtt_scan2Dfastvec' renamed to 'PAT_scan'
- 'misc/13-13-16_qtt_sensingdot_t.fastTune' renamed to 'coulomb_peak'
- 'misc/Lever_arm_Charging_energy/10-06-59_qtt_scan2Dfast' renamed to 'charge_stability_diagram_double_dot_system'
- 'misc/Lever_arm_Charging_energy/14-28-52_qtt_scan2Dfast' renamed to 'charge_stability_diagram_double_dot_system_detail'
- 'misc/Lever_arm_Charging_energy/14-33-26_qtt_scan2Dfast' renamed to 'charge_stability_diagram_double_dot_system_bias_triangle'
- 'misc/pinchoff/2018-06-28/13-24-22_qtt_scan1D' renamed to 'pinchoff_scan_barrier_gate'
- 'misc/2electron_pat_26102017' renamed to '2electron_pat'
- 'elzerman_detuning_scan/2019-05-28_11-39-39_qtt_generic.json' renamed to 'elzerman_detuning_scan'
- 'misc/P5_y_P5_x.dat' renamed to 'charge_stability_diagram_dac_vs_awg'
- '2018-08-31/19-05-18_qtt_save_segments' renamed to 'rts_signal'
- Update installation notes to use virtualenv (#738)
- The decay time in the Gauss-Ramsey fit is now always positive (#754)
- Support for python 3.6 and lower is removed.
- Removed dependency on Polygon3 (#579) to shapely solved by (#744)
- Remove legacy requirement for scipy (#752)
- Prevent warnings when loading M4i driver (#737)
- Fix Python 3.8 warnings (#745)
- Update qtt to qcodes 0.23.0 (#746)
- Fix for numpy deprecation (#747)
- Fix ppt notes size (#748)
- Bump notebook from 6.0.3 to 6.1.5
- Bump bleach from 3.1.5 to 3.3.0 (#751)
- Fix deprecation warnings (#753)
- Add example notebook for mongodb (#679)
- Add analysis results to notes (#712)
- Update docstrings (#718)
- Add numdifftools to requirements (#726)
- Add fitting of sine wave (#731)
- Prevent tests from writing data to the user directory (#710)
- Implement functionality for print_matrix argument (#714)
- Bump bleach from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 (#717)
- scanjob_t uses SweepFixedValues (including 'end') instead of slices (excluding 'end') (#722)
- Bump bleach from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2 (#727)
- Allow plotting arguments to be passed in drawCrosshair (#728)
- Use lmfit in fit_gauss_ramsey. The first point of the data is now also used for fitting (#729)
- Bump bleach from 3.1.2 to 3.1.4 (#730)
- Update to sine fitting (#734)
- Replaced chi_squared with reduced chi_squared in allxy fit (#736)
- The ttrace code has been deprecated and is removed in this release (#709)
- Moved the deprecated loadOneDotPinchvalues to (#722)
- Prevent tests from writing data to the user directory (#710)
- Disable all output channels when restarting the videomode (#711)
- Fix bug in HDAWG8 driver where the gain was set to the range, whereas it should be gain = range/2 (#720)
- Fix bug in generation of step values for vector scans (#723)
- Packages 'tests' are not installed anymore. These packages gave problems with loading similar named modules in other packages (#724)
- Fix for deprecated old style qupulse Sequencer test (#733)
- Update qtt to qcodes 0.13.0 (#735)
- Improved calculation of covariances (#736)
- Fixed failing unit test depending on order of peak_local_max (#741)
- add representation method for virtual awg (#697)
- Cleanup result selection of sensingdot_t (#694)
- Update dataset processing (#701)
- derive calibration exception from normal exception (#704)
- use bionic as build env (#705)
- Removed the QCoDeS StandardParameter from QTT (#700).
- Deprecated, and removed
- Fixed the import of M4i driver in function get_sampling_frequency (#700).
- fix for period argument of sensingdot_t (#696)
- Fix create_vectorscan for the new virtual awg (#702)
- fix deprecation warnings (#703)
- Added boxcar filter to algorithms (#597).
- Added a changelog to QTT (#591).
- Added load example dataset method (#586).
- Added chirp signal to QuPulse templates (#582).
- Made QTT python 3.7 compatible and Travis now runs a python 3.7 build (#578).
- Allow json files in the DataBrowser (#557).
- Added plot_dataset from spin-projects repo (#565).
- New post processing functionality is added (#563, #564).
- Added a lock-in amplifier interface for the Zurich instruments UHFLI (#560).
- A JSON encoding for qcodes.DataSet is added to the serialized (#558).
- Added scope reader for the Zurich Instruments UHFLI. (#554, #980).
- Add method to fit AllXY experiment (#664)
- Added more example datasets (#670)
- Add method to improve double gaussian fit by initialization based on large-small gaussian (#680)
- Add option to compensate for re-arm time of M4i trigger (#607).
- Add methods for performing operations on datasets (#593).
- The new virtual AWG can now also be used with the turbo scan (#618).
- Add re-arm compensation (#614).
- Add restrict_boundaries method to the VirtualDAC (#631).
- Add option to set dataset record label through scanjob (#655).
- Add calibration exception (#585).
- Add dataclasses to (#628).
- Add fraction up and down as output of rts (#623).
- Add integration tests back to automated testing (#603).
- Add integration tests for dataset (#567).
- Add option to perform filtering (#645).
- Add pyqt5 to; remove pandas (#621).
- Add unit field to parameter viewer (#566).
- Add unittest on loading a json and hdf5 format dataset (#647).
- Add smoothing to derivative of signal in Coulomb peak fitting (#641).
- Added option to enlargelims to set x and y independently (#646).
- Measurement according to Elzerman readout (#562).
- Added UHFLI integration (#573).
- Added example for scan1D with UHFLI (#561).
- Added VirtualAwgInstrumentAdapter (#588).
- Add update model for markov chains (#592).
- Implement signal processor and signal processor interface (#556).
- Virtual gate scans with overlapping gates (#626).
- Fitting of Gaussian using lmfit (#686)
- Method to convert lmfit fitting result to dictionary (#686)
- makeDataSetxxx methods generic functionality split off. Added a warning for data shape differences (#598, #602).
- Allow plotCallback to operate on datetime axis (#584).
- VirtualDAC now has an option to set gate_map and instruments on VirtualDAC (#583).
- All unit tests/integration tests are moved to a separated tests folder (#574, #600).
- Legacy code now throws exceptions (#551).
- Name of chirp template is passed to QuPulse template (#668)
- VideoMode tool was restructured to clean up the interface (#594).
- Updates requirements on QCoDeS version (#614).
- works for 1D scans now (#629).
- Removed plunger argument functionality from tunnelrates_RTS (#625).
- Improved initial fit of Gauss Ramsey (#643, #661, #678)
- Double Gaussian fitting is faster (using lmfit) and has better initial estimates (#648).
- Updated json serialization code to use qilib (#630).
- Autodetect notebooks for Travis testing (#627).
- Improved installation procedure (#613).
- Updated docs of PPT methods (#550).
- Updated documentation (#555).
- Updated to upstream QCoDeS: import from plot packages instead of main module (#649).
- Raise exception when diffImageSmooth is called with incorrect arguments (#608).
- Move mock imports to unittest.mock (#620).
- Enable all output channels for virtual awg in videomode (#644).
- Refactor parameterviewer; remove default min max values for parameters (#570).
- Refactor part of the RTS code (#577).
- Moved fit_gaussian to fitting module (#686)
- loadExperimentData and saveExperimentData are now deprecated functions (#581).
- Fixed virtual AWG marker on the same channel (#599).
- Fixed the readthedocs build (#590).
- Fixed issue with HDAWG8 sampling rate (#589).
- Fixed Travis warnings and tests instrument_drivers (#569).
- Fixed Travis build related to Qcodes version numbering (#604, #606).
- Fixed incorrect initial estimate of fit_gaussian (#671)
- Fixed issue with setSingleStep (#633).
- QCodes 0.6.0 fix (#660).
- Fix matplotlib callback for NaN entries (#662).
- Fixed time axis for m4i acquire segments (#638).
- Fixed Travis build for VideoMode (#637).
- Resolved circular dependency problem in qtt and qilib (#609).
- Fix bug in awg_to_plunger method (#658).
- Fix default_parameter_name in scan method; fix issue with delete argument in scans1Dfast (#568).
- Fix definition of chirp signal (#622).
- Fix to acquire_segments (#575).
- Fixes to cc measurements (#572).
- Fix qilib for readthedocs build (#624).
- Fix coulomb example notebook (#619).
- VirtualDacInstrumentAdapter needs to set instead of append instruments (#605).
- Fixes for transition of m4i to qcodes contrib (#692).
- Added normalization function to virtual gate matrix (#465).
- Improved simulated digitizer (#464).
- Improved documentation for virtual gates object (#456).
- Moved QC toolkit references to QuPulse (#455).
- Updated Fermi fit example (#451).
- Removed old reference hints to spin-projects (#458).
- Fixed the installation instructions (#546, #547).
- Fixed the parameter viewer (#449).
- Added example notebook for awg_to_plunger (#424).
- Added QTT to readthedocs (#419, #409).
- Added Autofit to anti-crossing example notebook (#422).
- Added QTT to Travis continues integration (#409, #411, #413, #414).
- Added option to save additional metadata to scan functions (#402).
- Added Zurich Instruments UHFLI to measure segment and video mode (#396).
- Added new virtual AWG with similar functionality (#366).
- Added the parameter invert to the fast_Tune function for RF readout (#312).
- Improved algorithm documentation (#436).
- Updated fit Ramsey scan example notebook (#442).
- Updated polynomial fit example notebook (#441).
- Updated Spin qubit measurement example notebook (#433).
- Updated simple measurement example notebook (#432).
- Changed Fermi-linear fitting function (#428).
- Updated PAT analysis notebook (#421).
- Updated extracting lever arm and charging energy example notebook (#427).
- Updated RTS example notebook (#425).
- Moved plotPoints to qgeometry Removed save_instrument_json (#418).
- Moved scans to the measurements folder (#397).
- Removed save_instrument_json (#418).
- Removed parameter scaler. Use QCoDeS version instead (#398).
- Removed reports and create double dot jobs (#397).
- Fixed units in pinchoff data (#443).
- Fixed some units in datasets (#440).
- Make sure units are saved and loaded with GNUPlotFormatter (#434).
- Fixed problems with the scan2Dturbo function (#423).
- Fixed parameter in widget (#384).