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User guide

The following steps will help you to run a Jupyter server and a Dask cluster on one of the SURF systems running SLURM, such as Spider, Snellius or Lisa. Find information on how to get access to SURF infrastructure here. Or on the DelftBlue Supercomputer at TU Delft.

This guide assumes that you have received credentials from SURF or TU Delft, that you are able to access the system via SSH, and that an SSH key pair has been set up for password-less login, see the dedicated SURF guides for Lisa/Snellius, Spider, and DelftBlue.


Local Set-up

This repository includes a Python script to install the components remotely on a SURF platform (Snellius/Spider/etc.), and to start Jupyter and Dask services on that platform from a local machine.

On your local machine, download the script by cloning this repository:

git clone
cd JupyterDaskOnSLURM

The script requires Python 3 and the Fabric library and, currently, decorator as well, which can be installed via pip:

pip install fabric decorator

Running the script the first time using the option --add_platform queries the user for a few infomation about the platform e.g. username and path to the private ssh-key, and stores these in a configuration file at .config/platforms/platforms.ini for later use:

python --add_platform

NOTE: Don't use ~ for entering a path.

Installation on platform

Before installing on the platform, edit the environment.yaml file in the folder to include all conda/pip packages that are needed to run your proposed workflow.

After editing the environment.yaml file, installing the components on the platform can be done from your local machine as:

python --uid <UID> --mode install

NOTE: that installation can take a while and requires user input to complete.

Configuring dCache

In order to configure access to the SURF dCache storage via the Filesystem Spec library (internally used by Dask and other libraries), you can use the configuration file provided in config/fsspec. Edit config/fsspec/config.json, replacing the <MACAROON> string with the actual macaroon (see this guide for information on how to generate it), then copy the file to ${HOME/.config/fsspec} on the platform:

mkdir -p ~/.config/fsspec
cp ./config/fsspec/config.json ~/.config/fsspec/

More information on how to read files from the dCache storage are provided in the documentation of the dCacheFS package.


You can run Jupyter Lab on the remote server by running the following command on your local system:

python --uid <UID> --mode run

A browser window should open up. Note that it might take few seconds for the Jupyter server to start, after which you should have access to a JupyterLab interface (login using the password set as above).

A Dask cluster (with no worker) is started together with the JupyterLab session, and it should be listed in the menu appearing when selecting the Dask tab on the left part of the screen. Workers can be added by clicking the "scale" button on the running cluster instance and by selecting the number of desired workers.

Shutting down

From the Dask tab in the Jupyter interface, click "shutdown" on a running cluster instance to kill all workers and the scheduler (a new cluster based on the default configurations can be re-created by pressing the "+" button).

From the Jupyter interface, select "File > Shutdown" to stop the Jupyter server and release resources.

If the job running the Jupyter server and the Dask scheduler is killed, the Dask workers will also be killed shortly after (configure this using the death-timeout key in the config file).

Uninstallation on platform

Uninstalling the components on the platform can be done from your local system as:

python --uid <UID> --mode uninstall

This will remove all associated files and folders. However, mamba will remain installed on the platform and needs to be removed manually, if needed.

Manual Installation

NOTE: Follow these instructions if = 'install' does not work.

NOTE: if you work on Spider, follow the instructionContainer wrapper for Spider system.

Login to the SURF system from your terminal, then clone and access this repository:

git clone
cd JupyterDaskOnSLURM

Alternatively copy the local copy of JupyterDaskOnSLURM which has the modified environment.yaml file with the updated packages to the platform using the scp command. For usage of the scp command, you can refer to this blog post.

The required packages are most easily installed via the conda package manager, and they are available from the conda-forge channel. In order to install conda (and its faster C++ implementation mamba) and to configure the conda-forge channel as the default channel, download and run the following installation script (you can skip this step if conda is already installed):

chmod +x

After accepting the license term and selecting the installation location (the default is ${HOME}/mambaforge), type yes to initialize Mambaforge. Logout/login to activate.

Create a new environment using the conda environment file in this repository - note that the base version of this file has been provided but can be updated to include relevant packages for your workflow:

mamba env create -f environment.yaml

Activate the environment and install additional dependencies using mamba/pip, as required by each use case:

mamba activate jupyter_dask
mamba install ...
pip install ...


After having created the environment, we need to configure few settings.


Configure the password to access Jupyter:

jupyter server --generate-config
jupyter server password

and make the Jupyter config file that is created after running the previous step readable by the current user only:

chmod 400 ~/.jupyter/

The repository directory scripts contains template job scripts for Spider and Snellius. These scripts define the requirements of the SLURM job running the Jupyter server, they can be customized depending on the specific user needs.


The repository directory config/dask contains a template Dask configuration file. This file defines the default worker settings in the Dask cluster, and it thus needs to be edited depending on the SURF system or other system which we are running on. In particular, uncomment the correct block in config/dask/config.yaml, then copy the file to ${HOME}/.config/dask:

mkdir -p ~/.config/dask
cp config/dask/config.yaml ~/.config/dask/

The default Dask settings can be further tuned depending on user needs.


In order to configure access to the SURF dCache storage via the Filesystem Spec library (internally used by Dask and other libraries), you can use the configuration file provided in config/fsspec. Edit config/fsspec/config.json, replacing the <MACAROON> string with the actual macaroon (see this guide for information on how to generate it), then copy the file to ${HOME/.config/fsspec}:

mkdir -p ~/.config/fsspec
cp config/fsspec/config.json ~/.config/fsspec/

More information on how to read files from the dCache storage are provided in the documentation of the dCacheFS package.


Manual deployment

As an alternative to the deployment script, the Jupyter and Dask services can be started via the following "manual" procedure.

Login to the SURF system, then submit a batch job script based on the template provided in scripts/jupyter_dask_<PLATFORM_NAME>.bsh to start the Jupyter server and the Dask scheduler on a platform, for example:

sbatch scripts/jupyter_dask_snellius.bsh

Copy the ssh command printed in the job stdout (file slurm-<JOB_ID>.out). It should look like:

ssh -i /path/to/private/ssh/key -N -L 8889:NODE:8888 [email protected]

Paste the command in a new terminal window on your local machine (modify the path to the private key). You can now access the Jupyter session from your browser at localhost:8889.

Container wrapper for Spider system

On Spider, using conda environments will lead to performance issues, due to conda's nature of many small files. In such cases, one can containerize the conda environment. One way to do this is to use the hpc-container-wrapper tool. This is a container wrapper tool developed by Finnish IT center for science (CSC).

To set up the container wrapper, first log in to Spider:

Then, clone the JupyterDaskOnSLURM repository in your home directory:

git clone

change to the JupyterDaskOnSLURM directory:

cd JupyterDaskOnSLURM

and execute the script:


This will run the setup and containerization of the environment.yaml file contained in the JupyterDaskOnSLURM directory (please modify as needed before running the script).

Now you are all set!

Manual installation on Spider using the container wrapper

If you want to manually set up the container wrapper on Spider, follow the steps below.

First change to your home directory:

cd ~

Then, clone both the hpc-container-wrapper and JupyterDaskOnSLURM repositories:

git clone
git clone

Then, copy the container config file spider.yaml file from the JupyterDaskOnSLURM to the .config file in hpc-container-wrapper:

cp ./JupyterDaskOnSLURM/config/container/spider.yaml ./hpc-container-wrapper/configs/

Change to the hpc-container-wrapper directory and run the script to install the container wrapper:

cd hpc-container-wrapper
bash spider

Next, copy the environment.yaml file from the JupyterDaskOnSLURM to the current directory and create a container. In the following example, we create a container under jupyter_dask directory:

mkdir -p ./jupyter_dask
cp ../JupyterDaskOnSLURM/environment.yaml .
bin/conda-containerize new --prefix ./jupyter_dask ./environment.yaml

At the end of the installation, the tool will print the path to the executable directory (bin directory) of the container. For example:

export PATH="/absolute/path/to/the/container/bin:$PATH"
cd ..
mkdir -p ~/.config/dask
cp JupyterDaskOnSLURM/config/dask/config_spider.yml ~/.config/dask/config.yml

Then add the following lines to the ~/.config/dask/config.yml file, under the slurm section of jobqueue section, note that you need to replace the export PATH part with the output from the container creation step:

      - 'export PATH="/absolute/path/to/the/container/bin:$PATH"' # Export environment path to
    python: python

After adding the lines, the ~/.config/dask/config.yml file should look like this:

    ... Some other configurations ...
    ... Some other configurations ...
      ... Some other configurations ...
        - 'export PATH="/home/caroline-oku/caroline/Public/demo_mobyle/container_wrapper/hpc-container-wrapper/tmp/bin:$PATH"'
      python: python

Then also configure the SLURM job file JupyterDaskOnSLURM/scripts/jupyter_dask_spider_container.bsh. Then replace the following part with the PATH exportaion from the container creation step:

export PATH="/absolute/path/to/the/container/bin:$PATH"

Now you have reached the exit point of the deployment script! The Jupyter Server with Dask plugin can now be started using the jupyter_dask_spider_container.bsh script.

sbatch JupyterDaskOnSLURM/scripts/jupyter_dask_spider_container.bsh

After the job starts, there will be an example ssh command printed in the job stdout (file slurm-<JOB_ID>.out). It should look like:

ssh -i /path/to/private/ssh/key -N -L 8889:NODE:8888 [email protected]

You can execute this command in a new terminal window on your local machine (modify the path to the private key). You can now access the Jupyter session from your browser at localhost:8889.

Delft Blue

Follow the steps bellow to install and configure


  1. Use module to load miniconda:
module load miniconda3/4.12.0
  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd JupyterDaskOnSLURM
  1. If required, modify the environment.yaml to include relevant packages for your workflow. Then, create an environment using conda":
conda env create -f environment.yaml
  1. Activate the environment and install additional dependencies using conda/pip, as required by each use case:
conda activate jupyter_dask
conda install ...
pip install ...


  1. Configure the password to access Jupyter:
jupyter server --generate-config
jupyter server password

and make the Jupyter config file that is created after running the previous step readable by the current user only:

chmod 400 ~/.jupyter/

The repository directory scripts contains template job scripts for Spider, Snellius and DelftBlue. These scripts define the requirements of the SLURM job running the Jupyter server, they can be customized depending on the specific user needs.

### Initialize the server
#SBATCH --partition=compute ## one of 'compute', 'gpu', 'memory'
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --time=23:00:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4G
#SBATCH --account=innovation ## replace with research-<faculty>-<department>. This will enable to request more resources.

source ~/.bashrc
conda activate jupyter_dask

node=`hostname -s`
port=`shuf -i 8400-9400 -n 1`
if [ -z ${lport:+x} ]; then lport="8889" ; else lport=${lport}; fi

echo "Run the following on your local machine: "
echo "ssh -i /path/to/private/ssh/key -N -L ${lport}:${node}:${port} ${USER}"

jupyter lab --no-browser --port=${port} --ip=${node}
  1. Configure the Dask settings. The repository directory config/dask contains templates for the Dask configuration files. The cofiguration file defines the default worker settings in the Dask cluster, and it thus needs to be edited depending on the SURF system or other system which we are running on. In particular, the file corresponding to DelftBlue config/dask/config_delftblue.yml. Copy the file to ${HOME}/.config/dask:
mkdir -p ~/.config/dask
cp -r config/dask/config_delftblue.yml ~/.config/dask/config.yml

The default Dask settings can be further tuned depending on user needs.


On DelftBlue, you need to start the the Jupyter and Dask services manually using this procedure.

  1. Login to DelftBlue, then submit a SLURM job based using the template provided in scripts/jupyter_dask_delftblue.bsh to start the Jupyter server and the Dask scheduler on the login node:
sbatch scripts/jupyter_dask_delftblue.bsh

Copy the ssh command printed in the job stdout (file slurm-<JOB_ID>.out). It should look like:

ssh -i /path/to/private/ssh/key -N -L 8889:NODE:8888 [email protected]

Paste the command in a new terminal window on your local machine (modify the path to the private key). You can now access the Jupyter session from your browser at localhost:8889.