The goal of this Code of Conduct is to maintain a respectful, inclusive, and collaborative environment for everyone contributing to or using the File Transfer Application in C (TCP) repository. We expect all community members to engage in constructive and respectful interactions.
In all interactions, we ask that participants:
- Be respectful to all community members, regardless of background, experience, or technical ability.
- Engage constructively, focusing on the solution rather than the person.
- Ask questions and offer feedback that is thoughtful and considerate.
- Be honest and transparent about your contributions and ensure that contributions are well-tested and reliable.
- Act with empathy and respect toward other participants.
- Collaborate in ways that ensure clarity and accountability.
- Offer and receive feedback graciously, with the intent of improving the project.
- Insults, derogatory comments, or personal attacks.
- Posting content that is discriminatory, harassing, or offensive.
- Unhelpful contributions, including incomplete or non-functional code submissions.
- Misrepresenting the origin of work, including submitting AI-generated code without adequate testing and understanding of the solution.
If you witness or experience any violations of this Code of Conduct, please reach out to the repository maintainers at [[email protected]]. Reports will be treated as confidential and reviewed as promptly as possible.
Violations of this Code of Conduct may result in actions including but not limited to:
- Warnings, either publicly or privately.
- Temporary or permanent restrictions on contributions or access to the project.
- Rejection or removal of problematic contributions or comments.
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant and modified to address specific project guidelines and expectations.