These are here to help me remember how to do things.
python3 -m pip install poetry
poetry install
bump2version patch --verbose --dry-run
Uses pydoit to run tasks. Running doit
will run all default tasks.
Will be built as part of doit
but can be built separately with:
mkdocs build
Can be served locally with:
mkdocs serve
To add a new page to the docs, edit the mkdocs.yml
file and add the page under the nav
Then add the markdown file to the docs/
All tests are interactive and require user interaction. There are currently no automated tests.
ordoit tests
Do not directly edit, instead edit README.mdpp and process with MarkdownPP using doit
to update
I don't use poetry publish
do to PyPI authentication which I have set up to use twine
pip install twine
twine upload dist/*
gh release create v0.4.4 dist/*