If you want to help with the development of node-abb-parser, please follow the following rules.
- Check if the issue has already been reported. (including closed tickets).
- Create a ticket for your issue.
- Describe the issue clearly and succinctly.
- In case of bug reports:
- describe the steps required to reproduce issue,
- attach a stacktrace if you have any,
- post details about your setup:
- application version,
- system version
- platform you were running and it's specifications
- Fork the repository on GitHub.
- Create your feature branch (check next step for naming rules)
- Commit your changes
- Update the CHANGELOG to reflect your change
- Write tests
- Push to the branch
- Create new Pull Request that merges to dev branch,
- If it's to solve an issue
- Describe what the issue was and how your PR resolves it
- link it to the open issue
- If it's a feature / chore
- Describe what you want to implment or what chore you're doing
- If it's to solve an issue
- Patiently wait for the review.
Branch name must be prefix/name, where "name" is something succint that descrbies the purpose (e.g.: fix/issue-# or feat/foo) and prefix which is one of:
- fix > your branch fixes some issue
- feat > your branch implements a new feature
- chore > something else
- Use prettier with the configurations included in the project
- Type everything you add
- Use const for every variable whose value doesn't change (array items and object properties don't count), otherwise use let
- Use yarn