This is a list of useful templates.
- For Elsevier papers you should use this template. Useful for:
- Annals of Nuclear Energy (example of a full paper)
- Journal of Nuclear Materials
- Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer
- Nuclear Engineering and Design
- Nuclear Engineering and Technology
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research (Sections A & B)
- Nuclear Medicine and Biology
- Nuclear Physics (A & B)
- Progress in Nuclear Energy
- and many others
- This is a template for ANS's Nuclear Science and Engineering. It includes some useful packages (e.g. cleverref) and a nice layout for subfigures and subsubcaptions. It also includes an example of a full paper.
- For Posters in general, here is a useful template.
- Eventually you'll want to send a letter that looks official (to an editor, etc.). Here is a letterhead template to use.
- This is a beamer template for slides and presentations. The TeX file is commented with basic instructions and you can follow up on the mock slides. It has a nice cover for the neutronics group and some examples of how to use the animate package.