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SonarSource Analyzer XML Parsing Commons

To parse XML

  • XmlFile.create(<content string>)
  • XmlFile.create(<InputFile>)

Returned XmlFile object keeps parsed document. Call XmlFile#getDocument() to obtain Document object. Parser sets location ranges on Document nodes as user data (see Document#getUserData(String)). Each node has NODE storing the whole node range. Then depending on a node type, other kinds of locations might be available.

Simple element

<foo> </foo>
 ^^^            NAME
^^^^^           START
      ^^^^^^    END
^^^^^^^^^^^^    NODE

Self-closing element

<foo />
 ^^^         NAME
^^^^^^^      START
^^^^^^^      END
^^^^^^^      NODE


attr = "hello"
^^^^            NAME
       ^^^^^^^  VALUE
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  NODE


<foo>Hello world</foo>
     ^^^^^^^^^^^            NODE


<foo><!-- comment --></foo>
     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^            NODE


<![CDATA[ ... ]]>
^^^^^^^^^             START
              ^^^     END
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^     NODE


<!DOCTYPE ... >
^^^^^^^^^           START
              ^     END
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^     NODE

To retrieve such ranges use these static util methods of XmlFile:

  • XmlFile.nodeLocation(Node)
  • XmlFile.startLocation(Element)
  • XmlFile.endLocation(Element)
  • XmlFile.nameLocation(Element)
  • XmlFile.startLocation(CDataSection)
  • XmlFile.endLocation(CDataSection)
  • XmlFile.attributeNameLocation(Attr)
  • XmlFile.attributeValueLocation(Attr)
  • XmlFile.getRange(Node, Location)

Prolog (see PrologElement API)

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
^^^^^                  start
      ^^^^^^^          attribute name
              ^^^^^    attribute value
                    ^^ end

To instantiate safe parser

If you don't need precise location of nodes in the file and you don't want/need to keep entire file in the memory you should use SafetyFactory to instantiate a safe parser. This parsers are configured the way to avoid any kind of vulnerability.

  • SafelyFactory.createXMLInputFactory()
  • SafelyFactory.createDocumentBuilder()

To write a check for XML file

Implement a class extending SonarXmlCheck.

public class FileCheck extends SonarXmlCheck {

  public void scanFile(XmlFile file) {
    reportIssueOnFile("File level message", Lists.newArrayList(1, 2));

If you want to write a check which will rely on XPath, implement a class extending SimpleXpathBasedCheck. This class provides numerous methods to simplify writing checks which will query DOM.

public class MyXPathCheck extends SimpleXpathBasedCheck {

  // all the <a> nodes of a DOM, whatever their position in the tree
  private final XPathExpression myXPathExpressin = getXPathExpression("//a");

  public void scanFile(XmlFile file) {
    List<Node> aNodes = evaluateAsList(myXPathExpressin, file.getDocument());
    for (Node aNode : aNodes) {
      reportIssue(aNode, "Issue on each node <a> of the DOM.");


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