layout | id | name | contentURL | Timestamp | datasetDOI_URL | contactName | contactEmail | license | traitList | higherGeography | decimalLatitude | decimalLongitude | taxon | eventDate | paperDOIcitation | description | taxaList | usefulClasses | dataStandard | standardizationScripts |
dataset |
bernhardt-2018 |
BryForTrait |
NA |
9/17/2019 5:21:45 |
Markus Bernhardt-Römermann |
CC-By |
growth form | stem | shoot length | life form | life strategy | protonema | Hyalinnhairpoint | dominants | distribution of gametangia | seta | capsules | size of spores | spore ornamentation | fruiting | vegetative dispersal traits |
Germany |
Embryophyta | Bryophyta |
A compilation of autecological information and morphological and regenerative trait data on different stages of the life cycle of bryophytes occurring in forest ecosystems. The database contains information for 35 traits and 721 Central European bryophyte species; in total more than 23,000 trait values |
721 Central European bryophyte species |
None |
None |