layout | id | name | contentURL | Timestamp | datasetDOI_URL | contactName | contactEmail | license | traitList | higherGeography | decimalLatitude | decimalLongitude | taxon | eventDate | paperDOIcitation | description | taxaList | usefulClasses | dataStandard | standardizationScripts |
dataset |
phylacine |
NA |
9/17/2019 7:01:23 |
Søren Faurby |
CC-0 |
Aerial | Diet.Invertebrate | Diet.Plant | Diet.Vertebrate | Freshwater | Island.Endemicity | Life.Habit.Method | Marine | Mass.Comparison | Mass.g | Terrestrial |
Global |
Chordata | Mammalia |
PHYLACINE, The Phylogenetic Atlas of Mammal Macroecology. This taxonomically integrated platform contains phylogenies, range maps, trait data, and threat status for all 5,831 known mammal species that lived since the last interglacial (~130,000 years ago until present) |
5,831 mammals |
extinct taxa |