layout | id | name | contentURL | Timestamp | datasetDOI_URL | contactName | contactEmail | license | traitList | higherGeography | decimalLatitude | decimalLongitude | taxon | eventDate | paperDOIcitation | description | taxaList | usefulClasses | dataStandard | standardizationScripts |
dataset |
sohlstrom-2018 |
Tropical and temperate macroinvertebrate morphology |
NA |
9/30/2019 15:42:02 |
Esra H. Sohlström | Malte Jochum |
CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication |
live body mass | body length | body width | taxonomic information |
Tropical | Sumatra | Jambi province; Temperate | Germany | Lower Saxony |
Araneae | Coleoptera | Dermaptera | Dictyoptera | Diptera | Geophilomorpha | Glomerida | Hemiptera | Hymenoptera | Isopoda | Julida | Lepidoptera | Lithobiomorpha | Neuroptera | Odonata | Opiliones | Orthoptera | Polydesmida | Pseudoscorpionida | Psocoptera | Scolopendromorpha |
2014 |
Length-mass regression dataset to calculate live (fresh) body mass from body length, width, taxonomic group, and geographic region |