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299 lines (229 loc) · 11.9 KB

File metadata and controls

299 lines (229 loc) · 11.9 KB

This repo is a solution to the 2024 Summer of Bitcoin challenge.


  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Install pnpm if you don't already have it installed.
  3. Run pnpm install to install all dependencies.
  4. Run make run to start mining a block!

Project structure

Before we move on to talking about the project, here's the project structure to make you familiar with it. All the main functionality is organized in the src/features directory and includes:

  • block: This folder handles all functionality related to creating and mining a block.
  • encoding: The encoding utilities for serializing transactions.
  • script: Contains a minimalistic implementation of script.
  • transaction: Contains the transactions classes that are used throughout the transactions.
  • validator: Finally the validator folder consists of multiple validators that are used on a transaction before it is put into a block.
├── src
│   ├── constants.ts
│   ├── features
│   │   ├── block
│   │   ├── encoding
│   │   ├── script
│   │   ├── transaction
│   │   └── validator
│   ├── index.ts // entry point
│   ├── types.ts
│   └── utils.ts


├── compactSize.ts
├── errors.ts
├── serializer.ts
└── witnessTemplates.ts

The main functionality of src/features/encoding resides in src/features/encoding/serializer.ts. The Serializer class consists of only static methods that serializes transactions, their inputs and outputs for the raw hex format. Serialization for generating a message for signature verification is currently being handled by the Transaction class itself. Apart from this the encoding folder also exports utilities for handling Bitcoin varints in the src/features/encoding/compactSize.ts folder.


├── components
│   ├── input.ts
│   ├── output.ts
│   └── transaction.ts
├── errors.ts
├── index.ts
├── types.ts
└── utils.ts

The src/features/transaction/components folder consists of a Transaction class, Input class and Output class. The Transaction class follows the Builder pattern. It first accepts just the version and locktime and the inputs and outputs can be incrementally added later on. It also follows a Singleton-like pattern to cache the results of expensive calculations such as:

  • txid: The transaction id of a transaction requires the serialization of the entire transaction along with it's hash256 in reverse byte order.
  • wtxid: The witness transaction id used in the generation of the block.
  • serializedTx: The raw non-segwit transaction hex.
  • serializedWTx: The raw segwit transaction hex.
  • weight: The weight of the transaction. A 4x multiplier is used for non segwit parts of the transaction and a 1x multiplier for the segwit parts of the transaction.
  • hashPrevouts: Used in the generation of a signature verification message as outlined in BIP143.
  • hashSequences: Used in the generation of a signature verification message as outlined in BIP143.
  • hashOuputs: Used in the generation of a signature verification message as outlined in BIP143.

For example, txid is cached as follows:

get txid() {
    if (this._txid) return this._txid;
    const txid = reversify(sha256(sha256(this.serializedTx)));
    this._txid = txid;
    return this._txid;

This gives us O(1) time complexity for calculating the txid if we've already generated it once.

The .signWith method on the Transaction class is the method responsible for generating a message for signature verification for various SigHash types. Currently, signature message verification for non-segwit transactions is only implemented for SIGHASH_ALL and SIGHASH_ALL | ANYONECANPAY. For segwit transactions all Sighash types are implemented.


├── hash.ts
├── length.ts
├── script.ts
└── signature.ts

Metadata validator

The metadata validator checks for details specific to a transaction. It checks:

  • sum(inputs.values) - sum(outputs.values) >= 1000. That is, fees must be atleast 1000 sats.
  • Checks if the length of the scriptpubkey is correct. For example in p2wpkh, the length of the scriptpubkey is 22 bytes. (1 byte for OP_0, 1 byte for OP_PUSHBYTES_20 and another is the 20 byte hash of the pubkey).
  • If the scriptpubkey address is valid or not. For example non segwit transactions' address should be equal to base58 of the pubkey, bech32 for v0_segwit transactions and bech32m for v1_segwit (p2tr) transactions.

Hash validator

The hash validator checks if the hash of the pubkey or the script matches that in the index.


  • Get the pubkey from the scriptSig.
  • Check if hash160(pubkey) matches the one in the scriptpubkey.


  • Get the redeem script from the scriptSig.
  • Check if hash160(redeem_script) matches the one in the scriptpubkey.
    • If p2wpkh
      • get the pubkey from the witness (last element).
      • hash160(pubkey) is equal to the one in scriptSig
    • If p2wsh
      • get the witness script from the witness (last element).
      • hash160(pubkey) is equal to the one in scriptSig.


  • Get the pubkey from the witness (second element).
  • Check if hash160(pubkey) is equal to the one in the scriptPubkey.


  • Get the script from the witness (last element).
  • Check if hash160(script) is equal to the one in the scriptpubkey.

Signature validator

The signature validator is implemented for p2pkh, p2sh-p2wpkh, p2wpkh and p2tr transactions.


  • Check if the signature in scriptSig can be verified with the pubkey in the scriptSig.

p2wpkh, p2sh-p2wpkh:

  • Check if the signature in the witness can be verified with the pubkey in the scriptSig.


  • If key path spend
    • Take the signaure
    • If there's no sighash, use the default one (0x00).
    • msg = taprootHash(TAP_SIG_HASH, "00" tx.signWith(index, sighash))
    • Verify with the tweaked pubkey in the scriptpubkey.
  • If script path spend:
    • Get the internal public key from the control bock
    • Find the merkle root with the provided merkle proofs in the control block.
    • calculate the tweak using tweak = taprootHash(TAP_TWEAK, p + merkle_root).
    • tweak the internal pubkey with the tweak and check if the result is equal to the pubkey in the scriptpubkey.

Script validator

The script validator simply runs the script for p2sh and p2wsh payment types and returns if the top of the stack is true or not.


├── Script.ts
├── constants.ts
├── error.ts
├── executor.ts
├── op_codes.ts
├── stack.ts
└── utils.ts

Almost all of the script execution logic is handled in src/features/script/executor.ts. The executor is a long list of if-else statements to handle each op*code. The reason if-else was used was so that multiple op_codes can be handled in a single statement. For example, the op_codes for OP_PUSHBYTES*<NUM> are defined as:

else if (
    opcode >= OP_CODES.OP_PUSHBYTES_1 &&
    opcode <= OP_CODES.OP_PUSHBYTES_75

where as, in the case of switch statements each op_code has to be handled in each case statement.

The most difficult part of the executor, however was the handling of control flow statements. Here's how I solved it.

The general algorithm is to keep track of an 'execution stack' that tells you the depth of the if-else nesting and whether the current op_code can be executed or not. Consider the following script:


If there's a true statement on the witness stack then then the outer OP_ELSE branch is executed and otherwise if there's one false, one true statement then 1 should be push on the stack and if there's two false statements then a 2 must be pushed onto the stack. Let's take a look at the first and second case.

CASE: False, True on stack
SHOULD_EXECUTE  True      ----      True      ----      False      ----
STACK           [0]
		        [2]	      [2]       []        [1]       [1]        [1]
OP_CODE         OP_NOTIF  OP_IF     OP_1      OP_ELSE   OP_2       OP_ENDIF

EXECUTION_STACK [True]    [True]    [True]    [True]    [False]    [False]
					      [True]    [True]    [True]    [True]     [True]
								    [True]    [True]    [True]     [True]

SHOULD_EXECUTE  ----      False      ----       ----
STACK           [1]       [1]        [1]        [1]
OP_CODE         OP_ELSE   OP_2       OP_ENDIF   ----
EXECUTION_STACK [True]    [False]    [False]    [True]
				[True]    [True]     [True]
CASE: True, True on stack
SHOULD_EXECUTE  ----      ----       False      ----       False       ----
STACK           [1]       [1]        [1]        [1]        [1]         [1]
		        [2]	      [2]        [2]        [2]        [2]         [2]
OP_CODE         OP_NOTIF  OP_IF      OP_1       OP_ELSE    OP_2        OP_ENDIF

EXECUTION_STACK [True]    [False]    [True]     [True]     [False]     [True]
					      [True]     [False]    [False]    [False]     [False]
								     [True]     [True]     [True]      [True]

SHOULD_EXECUTE  ----       False      ----       ----
								   	  [2]        [2]
				[1]        [1]        [1]        [1]
STACK           [2]        [2]        [2]        [2]
OP_CODE         OP_ELSE    OP_2       OP_ENDIF   ----
EXECUTION_STACK [False]    [False]    [False]    [True]
				[True]     [True]     [True]
  • Initially, the execution stack has a single [True] statement.
  • The condition is pushed on to the execution stack whenever an OP_IF is encountered.
  • !condition is pushed whenever an OP_NOTIF is encountered.
  • When an OP_ELSE is encountered then the value on top of the stack is simply toggled. This also works with multiple OP_ELSE statements.
  • OP_ENDIF simply pops the top value off the stack.
  • If there's a single False on the execution stack then the current op_code is not executed.
  • If at the end, the size of the execution stack is not 1 then throw an error since there are mismatched if-elses.


├── coinbaseTransaction.ts
├── fee.ts
├── merkleRoot.ts
└── mine.ts

The main functionality is in src/features/block/mine.ts. The block is mined as follows:

for (let nonce = 0; nonce < 0xffffffff; nonce++) {
    const nonceBuf = Buffer.alloc(4);
    const serializedBlock = `${version.toString(
	const blockHash = reversify(sha256(sha256(serializedBlock)));
    if (
      Buffer.from(difficulty, "hex").compare(Buffer.from(blockHash, "hex")) < 0
    return { serializedBlock, blockHash, coinbaseTransaction };


The main entrypoint file loads all these transactions and validates them. If they're valid then double spending is checked. Once these are done then transactions are sorted based on their fee/weight ratio. A block size of 4 mb is considered and transactions until the block has reached it's capacity. These transactions are then sent to the miner who calculates the merkle root and generates the block.


  1. Raw transaction serialization.
  2. Weight Calculation
  3. BIP 340
  4. BIP 341
  5. BIP 143
  6. Script Opcodes