This document describes the behaviour and format of Moments.
Moment IDs, or MIDs, are used to uniquely identify a Moment.
MIDs are 128-bit numbers represented as 32-character hexadecimal strings.
Letters, when used, must always appear in UPPERCASE, as opposed to lowercase.
For example, 761D29CA573800E53BDDEA5E765671A6
is a valid MID, while 761d29ca573800e53bddea5e765671a6
is not.
If a new Moment is submitted with an invalid MID, the server must give a response code of 400 BAD REQUEST.
When a new Moment is submitted with a valid MID, if an existing Moment has that MID, the Server must reject the request with a response code of 409 CONFLICT, at which point the Client may assign the Moment a new MID and re-submit. Collision is highly unlikely with such large numbers. However, implementations must be able to handle such occurrences.
Moments are immutable. Any data uploaded is permanently accessible to any Entity with the Read permission level. Be careful.
When submitting or retrieving Moments, they must always be encoded in JSON, preferably minified. They must also follow the following structure:
"v": "1.0.0",
"event": "event-name",
"timestamp": 0,
"actor": "EID",
"character": "EID",
"data": "defined by event"
See Versions for more info on the field v
is a UNIX timestamp, in seconds.
Note that data
may contain any variable type, as defined by the Event.
Even if it is ignored, it must still be present. We recommend using null
in such cases.
Any Moment submitted that does not adhere to the above format may be safely ignored. The Server must return an response code of 400 BAD REQUEST upon its submission.
Moments that follow the above structure but contain illegal or otherwise bad data must be added to the Timeline. However, they must be ignored when building an Instant.
If data
is of the incorrect type or otherwise does not meet the Event's specifications,
the Moment in question will be considered Illegal.
Unless stated otherwise, all Moments are considered Illegal if the Actor or Character references an Entity which does not exist, or if they do not strictly follow the particular Event's Data format.
There are many types of Events, as listed below.
If the Event Name not herein listed is used by a Moment, that Moment is considered Illegal.
Event Name: arbitrary
Any completely spec-compliant implementation should ignore this entirely. However, it may be used to submit data for out-of-spec purposes. This exists to prevent out-of-spec programs from creating Illegal Moments. Alternatively, it may be used by spec-compliant programs to issue human-readable comments not intended for machine use.
The Data block may contain any data.
No special requirements are imposed. However, the specified Character does not need to exist and may be null.
Event Name: entity
Creates an entity with the EID specified in character
Upon creation, the Entity is given default values. If the defaults are not desired, one must change them through other Moments. See Entities
The Data block will be ignored.
This will be considered Illegal if an Entity already exists with that EID. EIDs are issued on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Event Name: rm-entity
Removes the Character as an Entity.
Note that while Moments' immutability dictates that the previous Entity's data will always be accessible, if the Entity is created again, the prior data will not be automatically re-populated.
Event Name: name
Sets the human-readable name of the Character.
A String containing the new human-readable name of the Character, or null if the Character's name is to be unset.
This will be considered Illegal if the specified name is non-null but does not match the following RegEx: (\w|\ )*
(only alphanumeric and space characters)
Event Name: pubkey
Sets the public key of the Character. The name and email address of the key will be ignored.
A String containing the new ascii-armored OpenPGP public key of the Character, or null if the public key is to be unset.
This will be considered Illegal if the key is non-null but cannot be parsed by OpenPGP.js.
This will also be considered Illegal if the Actor did not have permission to set the public key of the Character.
Event Name: privkey
Sets the private key of the Character.
A String containing the new ascii-armored, encrypted OpenPGP private key of the Character, or null if the private key is to be unset.
Since this will (counterintuitively) be publicly accessible, we highly recommend using a strong password.
If the specified key is non-null but cannot be parsed by OpenPGP.js, it will be considered Illegal.
Event Name: grant
Grants a permission level to the Character.
Note that this may promote or demote the Character.
The permission level to grant, as an integer.
If the specified permission level is not valid (e.g. -1
or 17
or if the Actor does not have the required permission level (see Permissions),
it will be considered Illegal.
Event Name: signin
Starts a new Session for the Character.
A String with the location of the Session, as follows:
- Working from home outside of a formal meeting- other - An officially scheduled meeting; for versatility, names are not standardized, but should remain consistent.
For those used specifically by Team 6479, see Locations.
Since Characters cannot have two simultaneous sessions, if a Character signs in more than once before signing out, all but the most recent will be considered Illegal. Previous sign-in events may still be recorded but must be considered invalid.
Event Name: signout
Ends an existing Session for the Character.
If the Session is approved at sign-out, a String with the EID of the approver. If the Session is not approved at sign-out, null
Since Characters must sign in before signing out, any signout event not correlated with a signin event is considered Illegal. If a Character is signed out twice with only one legal signin event, the first signout event is accepted.
Event Name: cancel
Ends an existing Session for the Character.
This Session will still be accessible but will be marked invalid, indicating that the Session should not be factored in to one's total time. The end time will be recorded as the time of the cancellation event.
This should generally be used if someone was actually there on a given day but left before signing out.
The Data block is ignored.
A cancellation event is Illegal according to the same standards as a sign-out event.
Event Name: conclude
Ends a meeting, canceling all sessions at the given location. This is not the same as signing out all currently signed-in Characters.
The location of the meeting. See Sign Out.
There are no special conditions under which a Conclude Meeting event is Illegal.
When a Timeline List is requested from the Server, a chronological list of every Moment, by their MID, will be returned.
The list will be formatted with each MID on its own line, with the oldest first.
The Client must generate the JSON data of the Moment, according to the specifications of this document. The JSON data should be minified.
The Client must then clearsign the JSON data using the OpenPGP private key associated with the Actor's most recent OpenPGP public key.
That signed data must be sent as the body of a POST request to /api/v1/moment/