This is the wordpress Theme i am working on on my free time, feel free to request a pull if you feel that you can contribute I will write a better description another day.
Simple portfolio is a simple theme for professionals to create their portfolio , and a blog in the same websites.
The theme has the following features:
There are many ways to customize this theme and personalize it. From background images to text in the theme, preety much everything is customizable in more details:
- A blog with 4 different template layouts
- A portfolio section with 3 different templates.
- A contact form.
- A testimonials section.
- Portfolio section in the front page got 4 presentation styles.
- The front page main header got 3 presentation styles.
- 2 extra widgets to show off your skills and your services.
- Social links.
The theme is created to suit perfectly every device and to give an excellent experience to the users no matter what device they use.
To start using this theme all you need to do is:
- Download this theme.
- Put it inside the theme folder.
- Download the plugin on the following url: Get this plugin and put it in the plugin directory.
- Activate the plugin.
- Go to settings -> permalinks and set the permalinks to plain.
- Go to settings -> readings and set the "Your homepage displays" settings to static pages.
After activating the plugin created for this specific theme you should see 4 new post types appear
- Portfolio
- Testimonials
- Messages
- Blog
If these have appeared you can start customizing the theme.
To start customizing the theme go to appearance -> General. There are the general options of the theme. There you can add many things about your self to personalize the theme. The more things you add the better the theme will look. Most of the inputs are optional though.
Next up is the support menu which you access via appearance -> Support. Here you can activate the post formats you are going to work with.
Here are the options of customization for the actual theme. You can access this via appearance -> Content. Here you can choose
if you want the testimonials section to be there or not. Same with the blog section or the portfolio section. If you just want the
blog section to work in your theme , you can do that as well. The options are up to you. You can as well choose the background images that
you use in each section. Just upload some images that you can in your computer and you are ready to go!
In this section you can choose as well the type of presentation you want for your portfolio and your header. You can change these
at the "Choose the front page template" and the "Choose the front portfolio template".
To post your projects all you need to do is click on Portfolio and add new. The title will be the title of your project and the content will be what you have to say about your project. To customize the content and make it look better you got some options
- Use the bulleted list to make small headers inside the content.
- Use the blockquote option to create blockquote inside the content.
- Use the Bold option to emphasize on something.
- Use the italic option to emphasize on something as well.
Things that have these options are automatically designed with css i used.
Now about the mataboxes that you will see below the content area.
The Header metabox is only useful for the default Template. The image will be used as a header, and the secondary text will be used under the title inside the header image.
The Choose the details metabox is used to add information about the project. You can choose any information you want and add up to 6 details. The first box is used to to say what the information is and the information and the second box is used to give the value of that information so:
If i input developer in the first box and My Name in the second post, the project will output:
developer : My Name.
Something else important is that any image posted inside the posts will be transfered on the bottom of the post.
The portfolio section got 3 different templates:
- Default Template (which we just talked about)
- Gallery
- Side image
The only difference with the side image and gallery template is that any image inside the content of the gallery will be transfered and formated to create a gallery. The images inside the the side image template will be formated and transfered on the side of the content.
----Featured Images are required to work properly----
To post your thoughts all you need to do is click on Blog and add new. The title will be the title of your subject and the content will be what your thoughts are. To customize the content and make it look better you got some options
- Use the bulleted list to make small headers inside the content.
- Use the blockquote option to create blockquote inside the content.
- Use the Bold option to emphasize on something.
- Use the italic option to emphasize on something as well.
In blog posts you got 4 different options to go with.
- Standard post.
- Video post.
- image post.
- Gallery post.
In the standard post all images will be normally placed inside the content. In the video post you can insert a video inside the post and it will be placed on the header. In the gallery post every image inside the content area will become a slider on the header. In the image post every image inside the content will become a masonry gallery on the header.
----Featured Images are required to work properly----
To post thoughts that people have about you all you need to do is go to testimonials -> add new. The title here will be the name of the person commenting about you and the content will be his thoughts about you. The featured image will be his image, here the use of featured image is optional.
All the messages that people submit will be inside this area.