This work is a collaborative effort that has benefit from contributions and review of many people. It was begun and is edited by @jlevy and @ThanosBaskous. The following people (in alphabetical order) have contributed or reviewed this or earlier versions of the guide.
- Alexander Atallah (alexanderatallah)
- Adam Mathias Bittlingmayer (bittlingmayer)
- Donne Martin (donnemartin)
- Max Grigorev (forwidur)
- Dmitry Golyshev (golyshev)
- Joshua Levy (jlevy) — 5+/0+ — project editor
- KAZUYUKI TANIMURA (kazuyukitanimura)
- Marcello Bastéa-Forte (marcello3d)
- Max Zanko
- John Merrells (merrells)
- Ola Wiberg (olawiberg)
- Praveen Patnala
- Russell Power (rjpower)
- Thanos Baskous (ThanosBaskous) — project editor
- Stefan Zier (weirded)
Additional authors are welcome; see the contribution guidelines. Please let the editors know of any errors or omissions on this list.
(This file was auto-generated by ghizmo assemble-authors.)