\ ˌel-(ˌ)ē-ˈdē ˈhən-tər \ Or in simple terms, "El-Ee-Dee Hunter"
Link Every Detail - Heuristic Network Threat Research
LEDHNTR is an attempt to combine data collection, enrichment, and analysis into
a single platform that relies on graph database principles for pivoting.
*The TypeDB module needs some work before I can publicly release it. For now
we're storing everything in flat JSON files.
It currently consists of the core framework (LEDHNTR), various modular plugins
(LEDHNTR-Plugins), and a crappy web UI (LEDMGMT) that makes pivoting and
navigating the results less painful that living in Jupyter Notebooks all day.
*Maybe I'll release that one day, but that day is not today :)
I am an analyst, NOT a dev. Parts of this code base will make that statement obvious. As such, some (or all) of this code may cease to work at any point in time. I am working on this codebase entirely in my own free time. As such, while I appreciate issues or pull requests, my ability to patch/update/debug anything in this repository will be extremely limited at best..
Use at your own risk. You have been warned.
See INSTALL-Docker to get up and running quickly with Docker.
See INSTALL-Local to install LEDHNTR and your desired plugins on your local machine. This makes it easier to develop notebooks that can easily interact with the LEDHNTR-Docker instance, OR may be desirable if you're running something lean that doesn't require a TypeDB database.
Infrastructure was heavily influenced/borrowed from stoQ, I just wanted my framework to be able to do its own automated pivoting and handle data in a way that's not quite so flat.