- https://github.com/akhoury/nodebb-plugin-import-vbulletin
- https://github.com/akhoury/nodebb-plugin-import-discourse
- https://github.com/akhoury/nodebb-plugin-import-ubb
- https://github.com/a5mith/nodebb-plugin-import-smf
- https://github.com/psychobunny/nodebb-plugin-import-phpbb
- https://github.com/akhoury/nodebb-plugin-import-ipboard
- https://github.com/akhoury/nodebb-plugin-import-punbb
This section is up here because it's very important for you to read it, so let's make few things clear before we go on.
- 'NodeBB' == 'NBB' == 'nbb' == 'Nbb'
- when you see the term OLD it refers to your source forum or bulletin-board
- when you see the term NEW it refers to NodeBB
- ALL of the OLD variables, must start with an underscore character:
--> old category id, some forum software use different terms for categories, such as forums or boards_uid
--> old user id_tid
--> old topic id, some forum software use different terms for topics, such as threads_pid
--> old post id_roomId
--> old chatroom id_mid
--> old message id_gid
--> old group id_vid
--> old vote id_bid
--> old bookmark idcid
--> new category iduid
--> new user idtid
--> new topic idpid
--> new post idroomId
--> new chatroom idmid
--> new message idgid
--> new group idvid
--> new vote idbid
--> new bookmark id
You need a node module that has the following interface.
Don't forget to check the "Skip the module install" checkbox in the "Select an Exporter" section, so the -import plugin won't delete your changes.
: a JS object that will be passed tosetup()
and it contains the following:
dbhost: '', // a string, db host entered by the user on the UI
dbuser: 'admin', // a string, db username entered by the user on the UI
dbpass: '123456', // a string, db password entered by the user on the UI
dbport: 3306, // a number, db port entered by the user on the UI
dbname: 'my_schema', // db schema, or name, entered by the user on the UI
tablePrefix: 'bb_', // db table prefix, entered by the user on the UI, ignore it if not applicable
custom: {} // a custom hash for your custom stuff,
// these values are not defaults, these are just examples
callback(err, config)
: a function that send 2 arguments
- err: if truthy the export process will throw the error and stop
- config: just return the configs that were setup on the exporter, in case they were modified
of the query rowlimit
of the query resultscallback
Query the records, filter them at will, then call thecallback(err, map)
wih the following arguments
- err: if truthy the export process will throw the error and stop
- map: a hashmap of all the users ready to import
In the map
, the keys
are the users _uid
(or the old user id).
Each record should look like this:
// notice how all the old variables start with an _
// if any of the required variables fails, the record will be skipped
"_uid": 45, // REQUIRED
"_email": "[email protected]", // REQUIRED
"_username": "user45", // REQUIRED
"_joindate": 1386475817370, // OPTIONAL, [UNIT: MILLISECONDS], defaults to current, but what's the point of migrating if you don't preserve dates
"_alternativeUsername": "u45alt", // OPTIONAL, defaults to '', some forums provide UserDisplayName, we could leverage that if the _username validation fails
// if you would like to generate random passwords, you will need to set the config.passwordGen.enabled = true, note that this will impact performance pretty hard
// the new passwords with the usernames, emails and some more stuff will be spit out in the logs
// look for the [user-csv] OR [user-json] tags to grep for a list of them
// save dem logs
"_password": '', // OPTIONAL, if you have them, or you want to generate them on your own, great, if not, all passwords will be blank
"_signature": "u45 signature", // OPTIONAL, defaults to '', over 150 chars will be truncated with an '...' at the end
"_picture": "http://images.com/derp.png", // OPTIONAL, defaults to ''. Note that, if there is an '_piçture' on the 'normalized' object, the 'imported' objected will be augmented with a key imported.keptPicture = true, so you can iterate later and check if the images 200 or 404s
"_pictureBlob": "...BINARY BLOB...", // OPTIONAL, defaults to null
"_pictureFilename": "123.png", // OPTIONAL, only applicable if using _pictureBlob, defaults to ''
"_path": "/myoldforum/user/123", // OPTIONAL, the old path to reach this user's page, defaults to ''
"_slug": "old-user-slug", // OPTIONAL
// obviously this one depends on implementing the optional getPaginatedGroups function
"_groups": [123, 456, 789], // OPTIONAL, an array of old group ids that this user belongs to,
"_website": "u45.com", // OPTIONAL, defaults to ''
"_fullname": "this is dawg", // OPTIONAL, defaults to ''
"_banned": 0, // OPTIONAL, defaults to 0
// read cids and tids by that user, it's more efficient to use _readCids if you know that a user has read all the topics in a category.
"_readCids": [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7], // OPTIONAL, defaults to []
// untested with very large sets. So.
"_readTids": [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7], // OPTIONAL, defaults to []
// following other _Uids, untested with very large sets. So.
"_followingUids": [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7], // OPTIONAL, defaults to []
// friend other _Uids, untested with very large sets. So.
// if you have https://github.com/sanbornmedia/nodebb-plugin-friends installed or want to use it
"_friendsUids": [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7], // OPTIONAL, defaults to []
"_location": "u45 city", // OPTIONAL, defaults to ''
// (there is a config for multiplying these with a number for moAr karma)
// Also, if you're implementing getPaginatedVotes, every vote will also impact the user's reputation
"_reputation": 123, // OPTIONAL, defaults to 0,
"_profileviews": 1, // OPTIONAL, defaults to 0
"_birthday": "01/01/1977", // OPTIONAL, [FORMAT: mm/dd/yyyy], defaults to ''
"_showemail": 0, // OPTIONAL, defaults to 0
"_lastposttime": 1386475817370, // OPTIONAL, [UNIT: MILLISECONDS], defaults to current
"_level": "administrator" // OPTIONAL, [OPTIONS: 'administrator' or 'moderator'], defaults to '', also note that a moderator will become a NodeBB Moderator on ALL categories at the moment.
"_lastonline": 1386475827370 // OPTIONAL, [UNIT: MILLISECONDS], defaults to undefined
of the query rowlimit
of the query resultscallback
Query the records, filter them at will, then call thecallback(err, map)
wih the following arguments
Note: Categories are sometimes known as forums in some forums software
- err: if truthy the export process will throw the error and stop
- map: a hashmap of all the categories ready to import
In the map
, the keys
are the categories _cid
(or the old categorie id).
Each record should look like this:
// notice how all the old variables start with an _
// if any of the required variables fails, the category and all of its topics/posts will be skipped
"_cid": 2, // REQUIRED
"_name": "Category 1", // REQUIRED
"_description": "it's about category 1", // OPTIONAL
"_order": 1 // OPTIONAL, defauls to its index + 1
"_path": "/myoldforum/category/123", // OPTIONAL, the old path to reach this category's page, defaults to ''
"_slug": "old-category-slug", // OPTIONAL defaults to ''
"_parentCid": 1, // OPTIONAL, parent category _cid defaults to null
"_skip": 0, // OPTIONAL, if you want to intentionally skip that record
"_color": "#FFFFFF", // OPTIONAL, text color, defaults to random
"_bgColor": "#123ABC", // OPTIONAL, background color, defaults to random
"_icon": "comment", // OPTIONAL, Font Awesome icon, defaults to random
of the query rowlimit
of the query resultscallback
Query the records, filter them at will, then call thecallback(err, map)
wih the following arguments
Note: Topics are sometimes known as threads in some forums software
- err: if truthy the export process will throw the error and stop
- map: a hashmap of all the topics ready to import
In the map
, the keys
are the topics _tid
(or the old topic id).
Each record should look like this:
// notice how all the old variables start with an _
// if any of the required variables fails, the topic and all of its posts will be skipped
"_uid": 1, // OPTIONAL, THE OLD USER ID, Nodebb will create the topics for user 'Guest' if not provided
"_uemail": "[email protected]", // OPTIONAL, The OLD USER EMAIL. If the user is not imported, the plugin will get the user by his _uemail
"_guest": "Some dude" // OPTIONAL, if you dont have _uid, you can pass a guest name to be used in future features, defaults to null
"_ip": "123.456.789.012", // OPTIONAL, not currently used in NodeBB core, but it might be in the future, defaults to null
"_title": "this is topic 1 Title", // OPTIONAL, defaults to "Untitled :id"
"_content": "This is the first content in this topic 1", // REQUIRED
"_thumb": "http://foo.bar/picture.png", // OPTIONAL, a thumbnail for the topic if you have one, note that the importer will NOT validate the URL
"_timestamp": 1386475817370, // OPTIONAL, [UNIT: Milliseconds], defaults to current, but what's the point of migrating if you dont preserve dates
"_viewcount": 10, // OPTIONAL, defaults to 0
"_locked": 0, // OPTIONAL, defaults to 0, during migration, ALL topics will be unlocked then locked back up at the end
"_tags": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"], // OPTIONAL, an array of tags, or a comma separated string would work too, defaults to null
"_attachments": ["http://example.com/myfile.zip"], // OPTIONAL, an array of urls, to append to the content for download.
// OR you can pass a filename with it
"_attachments": [{url: "http://example.com/myfile.zip", filename: "www.zip"}], // OPTIONAL, an array of objects with urls and filenames, to append to the content for download.
// OPTIONAL, an array of objects, each object mush have the binary BLOB,
// either a filename or extension, then each file will be written to disk,
// if no filename is provided, the extension will be used and a filename will be generated as attachment_t_{_tid}_{index}{extension}
// and its url would be appended to the _content for download
"_attachmentsBlobs": [ {blob: <BINARY>, filename: "myfile.zip"}, {blob: <BINARY>, extension: ".zip"} ],
"_deleted": 0, // OPTIONAL, defaults to 0
"_pinned": 1 // OPTIONAL, defaults to 0
"_edited": 1386475817370 // OPTIONAL, [UNIT: Milliseconds] see post._edited defaults to null
"_reputation": 1234, // OPTIONAL, defaults to 0, must be >= 0, not to be confused with _votes (see getPaginatedVotes for votes)
"_path": "/myoldforum/topic/123", // OPTIONAL, the old path to reach this topic's page, defaults to ''
"_slug": "old-topic-slug" // OPTIONAL, defaults to ''
of the query rowlimit
of the query resultscallback
Query the records, filter them at will, then call thecallback(err, map)
wih the following arguments
- err: if truthy the export process will throw the error and stop
- map: a hashmap of all the posts ready to import
In the map
, the keys
are the posts _pid
(or the old post id).
Each record should look like this:
// notice how all the old variables start with an _
// if any of the required variables fails, the post will be skipped
"_pid": 65487, // REQUIRED, OLD POST ID
"_tid": 1234, // REQUIRED, OLD TOPIC ID
"_content": "Post content ba dum tss", // REQUIRED
"_uid": 202, // OPTIONAL, OLD USER ID, if not provided NodeBB will create under the "Guest" username, unless _guest is passed.
"_uemail": "[email protected]", // OPTIONAL, The OLD USER EMAIL. If the user is not imported, the plugin will get the user by his _uemail
"_timestamp": 1386475829970 // OPTIONAL, [UNIT: Milliseconds], defaults to current, but what's the point of migrating if you dont preserve dates.
"_guest": "Some dude" // OPTIONAL, if you don't have _uid, you can pass a guest name to be used in future features, defaults to null
"_ip": "123.456.789.012", // OPTIONAL, not currently used in NodeBB core, but it might be in the future, defaults to null
"_edited": 1386475829970, // OPTIONAL, [UNIT: Milliseconds], if and when the post was edited, defaults to null
"_reputation": 0, // OPTIONAL, defaults to 0, must be >= 0, not to be confused with _votes (see getPaginatedVotes for votes)
"_attachments": ["http://example.com/myfile.zip"], // OPTIONAL, an array of urls, to append to the content for download.
// OPTIONAL, an array of objects, each object mush have the binary BLOB,
// either a filename or extension, then each file will be written to disk,
// if no filename is provided, the extension will be used and a filename will be generated as attachment_p_{_pid}_{index}{extension}
// and its url would be appended to the _content for download
"_attachmentsBlobs": [ {blob: <BINARY>, filename: "myfile.zip"}, {blob: <BINARY>, extension: ".zip"} ],
"_path": "/myoldforum/topic/123#post56789", // OPTIONAL, the old path to reach this post's page and maybe deep link, defaults to ''
"_slug": "old-post-slug" // OPTIONAL, defaults to ''
of the query rowlimit
of the query resultscallback
Query the records, filter them at will, then call thecallback(err, map)
wih the following arguments
- err: if truthy the export process will throw the error and stop
- map: a hashmap of all the chatrooms ready to import
In the map
, the keys
are the rooms _rid
(or the old chatroom id).
Each record should look like this:
// notice how all the old variables start with an _
// if any of the required variables fails, the record will be skipped
"_roomId": 45, // REQUIRED
"_roomName": "import planning", // OPTIONAL, name of room
"_uid": 10, // REQUIRED, owner of the room
"_uids": [20, 25, 32], // REQUIRED, other users in the room
"_timestamp": 1386475817370 // OPTIONAL, [UNIT: MILLISECONDS], defaults to current
of the query rowlimit
of the query resultscallback
Query the records, filter them at will, then call thecallback(err, map)
wih the following arguments
- err: if truthy the export process will throw the error and stop
- map: a hashmap of all the messages ready to import
In the map
, the keys
are the messages _mid
(or the old message id).
Each record should look like this:
// notice how all the old variables start with an _
// if any of the required variables fails, the record will be skipped
"_mid": 45, // REQUIRED
"_fromuid": 10, // REQUIRED
"_roomId": 20, // PREFERRED, the _roomId if you are using get(Pagianted)Rooms
"_touid": 20, // DEPRECATED, if you're not using getPaginatedRooms, you can just pass the _touid value here.
// note: I know the camelcasing is weird here, but can't break backward compatible exporters yet.
"_content": "Hello there!", // REQUIRED
"_timestamp": 1386475817370 // OPTIONAL, [UNIT: MILLISECONDS], defaults to current
of the query rowlimit
of the query resultscallback
Query the records, filter them at will, then call thecallback(err, map)
wih the following arguments
- err: if truthy the export process will throw the error and stop
- map: a hashmap of all the groups ready to import
In the map
, the keys
are the groups _gid
(or the old group id).
Each record should look like this:
// notice how all the old variables start with an _
// if any of the required variables fails, the record will be skipped
"_gid": 45, // REQUIRED, old group id
"_name": "My group name", // REQUIRED
"_ownerUid": 123, // REQUIRED, owner old user id, aka user._uid,
"_description": "My group description", // OPTIONAL
"_userTitle": "My group badge", // OPTIONAL, will show instead of the _name
"_userTitleEnabled": 1, // OPTIONAL, to show the userTitle at all
"_disableJoinRequests": 0, // OPTIONAL
"_system": 0, // OPTIONAL, if system group
"_private": 0, // OPTIONAL, if private group
"_hidden": 0, // OPTIONAL, if hidden group
"_timestamp": 1386475817370 // OPTIONAL, [UNIT: MILLISECONDS], defaults to current
of the query rowlimit
of the query resultscallback
Query the records, filter them at will, then call thecallback(err, map)
wih the following arguments
- err: if truthy the export process will throw the error and stop
- map: a hashmap of all the groups ready to import
In the map
, the keys
are the votes _vid
(or the old vote id).
Each record should look like this:
// notice how all the old variables start with an _
// if any of the required variables fails, the record will be skipped
"_vid": 987, // REQUIRED, old vote id
"_uid": 789, // REQUIRED, old user id which did the vote
"_uemail": "[email protected]", // OPTIONAL, The OLD USER EMAIL. If the user is not imported, the plugin will get the user by his _uemail
// 1 of these 2 ids is REQUIRED
you shouldn't need to include `vote._tid` AND `vote._pid`,
either or, use `_tid` when the Like occured on the "main-post" of that topic's tid (the importer will find the new `topic.mainPid` using the old `_tid`),
and use `_pid` when it's on any other post within a topic.
"_tid": 123, // MAYBE-OPTIONAL, old topic id which is the vote occured on,
"_pid": 456, // MAYBE-OPTIONAL, old post id which is the vote occured on
"_action": 1 // REQUIRED 1 or -1, 1 means UP, -1 means down
of the query rowlimit
of the query resultscallback
Query the records, filter them at will, then call thecallback(err, map)
wih the following arguments
- err: if truthy the export process will throw the error and stop
- map: a hashmap of all the groups ready to import
In the map
, the keys
are the groups _bid
(or the old bookmark Id).
Each record should look like this:
// notice how all the old variables start with an _
// if any of the required variables fails, the record will be skipped
"_bid": 987, // REQUIRED, old bookmark id
"_tid": 123, // REQUIRED, old topic id
"_uid": 789, // REQUIRED, old user id
"_index": 2 // REQUIRED, the index of the bookmarked-post, i.e. 5 if the 6'sh post of that topic was the bookmarked post
If you need to do something before the export is done, like closing a connection or something, then call the callback
In these 3 functions, you can basically do whatever you want, such as printing something on the console based on its level, or logging to a file. However, the arguments that each call passes in will be picked up, and emitted in corresponding events, and shown to the user. The event emitted are:
You do not have to do anything extra to emit the events, just implement these functions at will and use them appropriately. see this for example.
YouModule.testrun(config, callback)
just a function for you to be able to test your module independently from nodebb-plugin-import
// for example
YourModule.testrun = function(config, callback) {
function(next) {
YourModule.setup(config, next);
function(next) {
function(next) {
function(next) {
function(next) {
function(next) {
], function(err, results) {
if(err) throw err;
// or whatever else
fs.writeFile('./tmp.json', JSON.stringify(results, undefined, 2), callback);
- Most forums, when creating a topic, a post will be created immediately along with it, this last post will be the main-post or parent-post or topic_content_post or whatever other term it's known with, and it's usually saved in the same table with the other posts, known as the "reply-posts". Usually this parent-post have some sort of flag to differentiate it, such as
is_parent = 1
orparent = 0
or something close. - Most likely, you may have to do some tables
ing to get each Topic's record along with its parent-post's content, then save it the_content
on eachtopicsMap.[_tid]
object. - You should discard all of the other data on that parent-post as in NodeBB, it will be the Topic's content.
- Remember to filter these parent-posts from your reply-posts query so they don't get imported twice.
In order for your exporter to be automatically by the nodebb-plugin-import plugin as a compatible exporter,
its name needs to start with nodebb-plugin-import-
, i.e. nodebb-plugin-import-ubb
You don't have to do that for it to work, you can type it in manually and it works fine.
Because it would only works with the nodebb-plugin-import plugin, and I wanted to namespace it somehow. I don't care anymore, call it whatever you want.