This document explains why certain conflicts were added to composer.json
references related issues.
:This version makes Gedmo Doctrine Extensions fail (tree and position behaviour mostly).
References: doctrine/DoctrineBundle#1305
:This version automatically registered DocBlockDriver, which is always turned on, while docblocks used in our code are not usable with it. Sample error:
Can't use incorrect type object for collection in Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection:owner
References: schmittjoh/JMSSerializerBundle#844
:These versions of Symfony Serializer introduces a bug with trying to access some private properties that don't have getters.
References: symfony/symfony#40004
:This version of Doctrine Bridge introduces a bug that causes an issue related to
mapping.References: Sylius#11970, symfony/symfony#38861
:These versions of Symfony PropertyInfo Component introduce a bug with resolving wrong namespace for some translation entities in Swagger UI docs for API.
The potential solution would be to explicitly define these translation entities as API resources with proper serialization.
Probably introduced in: symfony/symfony#40811
:This version causes a problem with the creation of nested taxons by throwing the exception:
Gedmo\Exception\UnexpectedValueException: Root cannot be changed manually, change parent instead in vendor/gedmo/doctrine-extensions/src/Tree/Strategy/ORM/Nested.php:145
References: doctrine-extensions/DoctrineExtensions#2155
In this section we keep track of the reasons, why some restrictions were added to the requires
section of composer.json
doctrine column typejson_array
has been removed creating error during a doctrine migrationError: Migration Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Migrations\Version20201130071338 failed during Execution. In Exception.php line 125: Unknown column type "json_array" requested. Any Doctrine type that you use has to be registered with \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::addType(). You can get a list of all the known types with \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::getTypesMap( ). If this error occurs during database introspection then you might have f orgotten to register all database types for a Doctrine Type. Use AbstractPl atform#registerDoctrineTypeMapping() or have your custom types implement Ty pe#getMappedDatabaseTypes(). If the type name is empty you might have a pro blem with the cache or forgot some mapping information.
References: Sylius#13211