Twitter Emojis for Flutter, this package supports svg and png 72x72 emojis
Twemoji widget for a single emoji
emoji: '🍕',
height: 50,
width: 50,
TwemojiText returns a widget with rendered text with twitter emojis
text: 'wow 💻👩💻👨💻 ',
TwemojiTextSpan with RichText and it will render the text with twitter Emojies
text: TwemojiTextSpan(
text: 'Text 🍕🍔🌭🍿🧂🥓🥨🥐🍞🥞🥞',
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline6,
By default the library includes support for all emojis. To reduce bundle size and only build the emojis your application requires, specify a list of them in your pubspec.yaml
includes: '👩👩👧👧👏👍'
Then call flutter pub run twemoji:include_emojis
to have it filter down the list of emojis to generate assets for.
Limitation The svg emojis will not work on flutter html web renderer because the flutter_svg package does not support it
- Add SVG support
- Find a way to get an emoji code. For example: 😀 => "1F600"
- Extend Textfield widget to support twemoji
About twemoji: