License: MIT License
This is the CLI fot make go test output more readable. The CLI aggregate all mixed test output and displays the tests with their output.
1. Go 1.13
2. Make
Run the command in the project base dir
make build
$ go get
$ go-test-parser -h
$ go-runner help
go-test-parser is a simple CLI tool for generating the UI report from go test output
./go-test-parser <go test -json -v output> [flags]
./go-test-parser ./test.log -v
go test -json -v ./... | go-test-parser -o ./report_directory
-h, --help Help for application
--http int32 HTTP address to serve (default 8080)
-s, --includeSucceeded Include the successful test results or not
-o, --output string The report output directory (default "./report")
-v, --verbose Print verbose output
-w, --web Start only web serer for report displaying
- Generate report to directory:
go-test-parser -o ./report_directory test.log
- Generate report and display in the browser via url http://localhost/report:
go-test-parser -w --http 80 test.log
go-runner is a simple tool to override the go application and beautify the report. go-runner accepts the `go` arguments and environment variables.
go-runner generate a report only with `--json` flag.
go-runner <command> [arguments]
Example 1:
➜ go-runner version
go version go1.14.3 darwin/amd64
Example 2:
➜ go-runner env
Example 3: Here the example where tests were run and failed in the end. The go-runner exit code is the same as go test exit code.
✗ ./bin/go-runner test -v ./cmd/go-runner/test/... -race -json -tags fake
{"Time":"2020-08-31T00:52:00.696531+03:00","Action":"output","Package":"","Test":"TestFakeSucceed","Output":"=== RUN TestFakeSucceed\n"}
{"Time":"2020-08-31T00:52:00.69659+03:00","Action":"output","Package":"","Test":"TestFakeSucceed","Output":" TestFakeSucceed: fake_test.go:10: I'm robot\n"}
{"Time":"2020-08-31T00:52:00.696608+03:00","Action":"output","Package":"","Test":"TestFakeSucceed","Output":"--- PASS: TestFakeSucceed (0.00s)\n"}
{"Time":"2020-08-31T00:52:00.696693+03:00","Action":"output","Package":"","Test":"TestFakeFail","Output":"=== RUN TestFakeFail\n"}
{"Time":"2020-08-31T00:52:00.696727+03:00","Action":"output","Package":"","Test":"TestFakeFail","Output":" TestFakeFail: fake_test.go:14: the fake fail test output\n"}
{"Time":"2020-08-31T00:52:00.696744+03:00","Action":"output","Package":"","Test":"TestFakeFail","Output":"--- FAIL: TestFakeFail (0.00s)\n"}
{"Time":"2020-08-31T00:52:00.696779+03:00","Action":"output","Package":"","Test":"TestFakeIgnore","Output":"=== RUN TestFakeIgnore\n"}
{"Time":"2020-08-31T00:52:00.696791+03:00","Action":"output","Package":"","Test":"TestFakeIgnore","Output":" TestFakeIgnore: fake_test.go:19: the fake test output\n"}
{"Time":"2020-08-31T00:52:00.696844+03:00","Action":"output","Package":"","Test":"TestFakeIgnore","Output":"--- SKIP: TestFakeIgnore (0.00s)\n"}
report was generated in /Users/tsovak/go/src/
go-runner <command> [arguments]
The CLI is used on the Github Action workflows in this repository. See "Generate report" action step for more information.