Return a list of Nimsoft probe addresses where he finded the "nas" probe.
my $PDS = Nimbus::PDS->new();
$PDS->string("probename", "nas");
my ($RC, $pdsRET) = nimFindAsPds($PDS->data, NIMF_PROBE);
pdsDump($pdsRET) if $RC == NIME_OK;
If you want to recover the first addr, take a look at the following code
my $nasAddr = Nimbus::PDS->new($pdsRET)->getTable("addr", PDS_PCH);
There is an issue around how PDS handle some Array type (so it could be difficult to get multiple addr depending on the used API).
All filter fields (with the exception of timeout) are regular expressions. Timeout specifies the timeout for each query the function executes.
Filter(s) string |
domain |
hubip |
hubname |
hubversion |
robotip |
robotname |
robotversion |
osmajor |
osminor |
osuser1 |
osuser2 |
probename |
pkg_name |
pkg_version |
group |
active |
timeout |
Flags | Description |
NIMF_HUB | returns a list of Hub addresses |
NIMF_ROBOT | returns a list of Robot addresses |
NIMF_PROBE | returns a list of Probe addresses |
The find functions take a PDS with filters for different search criteria and a flag specifying the type of search as input.
Return rc,data
This is a wrapper around nimFindAsFunc(). pdsPutTable() is used to fill pdsOut
Return rc,data
This is a wrapper around nimFindAsFunc(). cslLineInsert() is used to fill pppchOut