A demo application which serves as both and Issuer and Verifier. It is an interactive technical walkthrough that explains how the Unum ID platform works.
Information about the Unum ID demo ecosystem can be found in our documentation.
- represents a Customer that has already been created in the SaaS
- Create a Company by posting to
name: string; // customer/company name
unumIdApiKey: string; // the customer Api Key
unumIdCustomerUuid: string; // customer uuid
POST /holderApp
calls the SaaS api to create a HolderApp
uriScheme: string;
apiKey: string; // the Holder Api Key to create the HolderApp
name: string;
companyUuid: string; // company corresponding to the Customer the HolderApp belongs to
POST /credenial
calls the Issuer Server App to issue a Credential
userUuid: string; // user corresponding to the Subject of the Credential
issuerUuid: string; // issuer to issue the Credential as
claims: { [key: string]: any }; // Credential data
type: string; // Credential type
POST /issuer
calls the Issuer Server App to register an Issuer
name: string;
issuerApiKey: string; // Issuer Api Key to register the Issuer
companyUuid: string; // company corresponding to the Customer to create the Issuer as
POST /presentationRequest
calls the Verifier Server App to send a PresentationRequest
verifierUuid: string; // verifier to send the request as
issuerUuid: string; // issuer to request credentials from
credentialTypes: string[]; // credential types to request
holderAppUuid: string; // HolderApp to send request to
POST /presentation
verifies a Presentation or NoPresentation
'@context': ['https://www.w3.org/2018/credentials/v1'],
verifiableCredential: Credential[];
uuid: string;
type: ['VerifiablePresentation'];
proof: Proof;
presentationRequestUuid: string;
presentationRequestUuid: string;
holder: string;
proof: Proof;
type: ['NoPresentation']
- Represents a Subject that has already been created in the SaaS
- create a User by POSTing to
did: string; // the Subject did
name: string; // whatever name you want
companyUuid: string; // Company corresponding to the Customer the Subject belongs to
POST /verifier
calls the Verifier Server App to register a Verifier
name: string;
companyUuid: string; // Company corresponding to the Customer registering the Verifier
verifierApiKey: string; // Verifier Api Key to register the Verifier
url: string; // url to post Presentations to for this Verifier (/presentation endpoint)
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