Command | Info |
!addalt class | Add user's alt class to db. |
!addmain class | Add user's main class to db. |
!addplayer member raidname class | Add given player to raid. |
!addraid raidname [note] [main] | Create a raid. |
!addserver | Backup cmd to add server to db. Not needed really. |
!autoclear raidname weekday hour | Setup autoclear for a raid, happens weekly on time. |
!autoclearoff raidname | Disable autoclear. |
!autosign | Gives user autosign feature. Signs automatically to 'main' raids. |
!botinfo | Posts help discord, github and invite link. |
!clear [amount] | Clear msgs from channel. Default 2 |
!clearraid raidame | Clear signs from raid. |
!comp raidname | Print raidcomp. |
!decline raidname | Decline raid. |
!delraid raidname | Delete raid. |
!editraid raidname [note] [mainraid] | Edit raid information. |
!fixchannels | Readd bot made channels incase accidentally deleted. |
!help | Post categories/commands |
!howtouse | Minimal info on how to use the bot. |
!modinfo | Info about mod commands. |
!raids | Print raids and attendance count. |
!readdraids | Readd raids (messages) to proper channel. |
!sign raidname class | Sign to raid. |
[] Parameters are optional. |
- Save main and alt class preferences.
- Sign up with reactions.
- All raid comps updated every 20 minutes.
- Automatically sign up to 'main' raids (optional).
- Automatically clear raids at specified time.
This section covers the basics on how to use the bot.
Use command !help for more help.
Everyone who uses to bot should add their main class and possibly an alt class.
Example: !addmain mage and !addalt rogue
The bot allows users with a role called "autosign" to automatically sign to raids that are marked as "main" raids.
Example: Get the role with !autosign and add the raid with !addraid MC main
After the raid is over you can clear the signs manually or use automated feature, which you have to setup.
More info on this automated feature use !help autoclear.
Some commands have cooldowns. This means if you use the command X amount of times in certain timeframe the cooldown triggers.
More info on this with !help command.
Prefixes: !, ?, -, rs
Look into topics on bot created channels!
Help server