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ciinabox ECS

ciinabox pronounced ciin a box is a set of automation for building and managing a bunch of CI tools in AWS using the Elastic Container Service (ECS).

Right Now ciinabox supports deploying:


requires ruby 2.1+

  1. git clone
  2. cd ciinabox-ecs
  3. bundle install
  4. bundle exec rake -T

If setting your own parameters and additional services, they should be configured as such:

User-defined parameters:



log_level: ':debug'
timezone: 'Australia/Melbourne'

User-defined services:

If you wish to add additional containers to your ciinabox environment, you can specify them like so: ciinaboxes/ciinabox_name/config/services.yml


  - jenkins:
  - bitbucket:
      LoadBalancerPort: 22
      InstancePort: 7999
      Protocol: TCP
  - hawtio:
  - nexus:

Please note that if you wish to do this, that you also need to create a CFNDSL template for the service under templates/services, with the name of the service as the filename (e.g. bitbucket.rb)

Getting Started

Quick setup

You can be guided through full installation of ciinabox by running rake ciinabox:full_install task. Interactive command line prompt will offer you defaults for most of required options.

$ bundle exec rake ciinabox:full_install

Step by step setup

  1. Initialize/Create a new ciinabox environment. Please note that any user-defined services and parameters will be merged during this task into the default templates
$ rake ciinabox:init
Enter the name of ypur ciinabox:
Enter the id of your aws account you wish to use with ciinabox
Enter the AWS region to create your ciinabox (e.g: ap-southeast-2):
Enter the name of the S3 bucket to deploy ciinabox to:
Enter top level domain (e.g, must exist in Route53 in the same AWS account:
# Enable active ciinabox by executing or override ciinaboxes base directory:
export CIINABOXES_DIR="ciinaboxes/"
export CIINABOX="myciinabox"
# or run
eval $(rake ciinabox:active[myciinabox])

You can override the default ciinaboxes directory by setting the CIINABOXES_DIR environment variable. Also the DNS domain you entered about must already exist in Route53

  1. check that your new ciinabox is the current active one
$ rake ciinabox:active
# Enable active ciinabox by executing or override ciinaboxes base directory:
export CIINABOXES_DIR="ciinaboxes/"
export CIINABOX="myciinabox"
# or run
eval $(rake ciinabox:active[myciinabox])
  1. Generate self-signed wild-card cert for your ciinabox
$ rake ciinabox:create_server_cert
Generating a 4096 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'ciinaboxes/myciinabox/ssl/ciinabox.key'
  1. Create IAM server-certificates
$ rake ciinabox:upload_server_cert
Successfully uploaded server-certificates
  1. Create ciinabox S3 source deployment bucket
$ rake ciinabox:create_source_bucket
Successfully created S3 source deployment bucket
  1. Create ssh ec2 keypair
$ rake ciinabox:generate_keypair
Successfully created ciinabox ssh keypair
  1. Generate ciinabox cloudformation templates
$ rake ciinabox:generate
Writing to output/ciinabox.json
using extras [[:yaml, "ciinaboxes/myciinabox/config/default_params.yml"], [:yaml, "config/services.yml"], [:ruby, "ext/helper.rb"]]
Loading YAML file ciinaboxes/myciinabox/config/default_params.yml
Setting local variable ciinabox_version to 0.1
Setting local variable ciinabox_name to myciinabox
$ ls -al output/
total 72
drwxr-xr-x   9 ciinabox  staff    306  9 Sep 21:52 .
drwxr-xr-x  14 ciinabox  staff    476 19 Oct 10:26 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 ciinabox  staff      0  7 Sep 14:30 .gitkeep
-rw-r--r--   1 ciinabox  staff   1856 19 Oct 13:27 ciinabox.json
-rw-r--r--   1 ciinabox  staff   6096 19 Oct 13:27 ecs-cluster.json
-rw-r--r--   1 ciinabox  staff   1358  9 Sep 17:39 ecs-service-elbs.json
-rw-r--r--   1 ciinabox  staff   3250 19 Oct 13:27 ecs-services.json
drwxr-xr-x   4 ciinabox  staff    136  9 Sep 21:53 services
-rw-r--r--   1 ciinabox  staff  13218 19 Oct 13:27 vpc.json

This will render the cloudformation templates locally in the output directory

  1. Deploy/upload cloudformation templates to source deployment bucket
$ rake ciinabox:deploy
upload: output/vpc.json to s3://
upload: output/ecs-services.json to s3://
upload: output/ciinabox.json to s3://
upload: output/services/jenkins.json to s3://
upload: output/ecs-service-elbs.json to s3://
upload: output/ecs-cluster.json to s3://
Successfully uploaded rendered templates to S3 bucket
  1. Create/Lanuch ciinabox environment
$ rake ciinabox:create
Starting updating of ciinabox environment
# checking status using
$ rake ciinabox:status
base2 ciinabox is in state: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
# When your ciinabox environment is ready the status will be
base2 ciinabox is alive!!!!
ECS cluster private ip:10.xx.xx.xx

You can access jenkins using

Additional Tasks


Runs a cloudformation update on the current ciinabox environment. You can use this task if you've modified the default_params.yml config file for your ciinabox and you want to apply these changes to your ciinabox.

A common update would be to lock down ip access to your ciinabox environment

  1. edit ciinaboxes/myciinabox/config/default_params.yml
#Environment Access
#add list of public IP addresses you want to access the environment from
#default to public access probably best to change this
  - my-public-ip
  - my-my-other-ip
#add list of public IP addresses for your developers to access the environment
#default to public access probably best to change this
  - my-dev-teams-ip
  1. update your ciinabox
$ bundle exec rake ciinabox:generate
$ bundle exec rake ciinabox:deploy
$ bundle exec rake ciinabox:update
$ bundle exec rake ciinabox:status  


Tears down your ciinabox environment. But why would you want to :)


Displays the current active ciinabox environment and allows you to change to a different one


Relies on cfn_manage gem to bring stack up. Stack needs to be stopped using ciinabox:down task


Relies on cfn_manage gem to stop the stack. Will set ASG size to 0 (and optionally set bastion ASG size to 0).

Adding Custom Templates per ciinabox

Custom templates should be defined under <CIINABOXES_DIR>//templates.

For each stack that needs to be included add a stack under extra_stacks in the config.yml.

By default the name of the nested stack will be assumed to be the file name when the template is getting called. This can be overriden.

Parameters get passed in as a hash and all get passed in from the top level.

#extra_stacks: # elk: # #define template name? - optional # file_name: elk # parameters: # RoleName: search # CertName: x

Extra configs

To restore the volume from a snapshot in an existing ciinabox update the following 2 values

ecs_data_volume_snapshot: (Note: if ciinabox exists this is two step approach you will need to change volume name and change back volume name)

ecs_data_volume_name: override this if you need to re-generate the volume, e.g. from snapshot

#add if you want ecs docker volume != 22GB - must be > 22

#ecs_docker_volume_size: 100

#use this to change volume snapshot for running ciinabox

#ecs_data_volume_name: "ECSDataVolume2s"

#set the snapshot to restore from

#ecs_data_volume_snapshot: snap-49e2b3b5

#set the size of the ecs data volume -- NOTE: would take a new volume - i.e. change volume name

#ecs_data_volume_size: 250

#optional ciinabox name if you need more than one or you want a different name

#stack_name: ciinabox-tools

For internal elb for jenkins

internal_elb: false

 - jenkins:
    LoadBalancerPort: 50000
    InstancePort: 50000
    Protocol: TCP
# needs internal_elb: true

Ciinabox configuration

Bastion (Jumpbox) instance

If you have need to access ECS Cluster instance running Jenkins server via secure shell, you may do so by logging into bastion host first. By default, bastion is disabled for ciinabox Cloud Formation stack, however you can enable it by using bastion_stack configuration key. Bastion will be launched as part of AutoScaling Group of size 1, allowing it to self heal in case of system or instance check failure.

include_bastion_stack: true

It is also possible to override other bastion host parameters, such as Amazon Machine Image and instance type used for Launch Configuration. Defaults are below

bastionInstanceType: t2.micro
# Amazon Linux 2017.09
   ami: ami-c5062ba0
   ami: ami-c5062ba0
   ami: ami-e689729e
   ami: ami-02eada62
   ami: ami-0797ea64
   ami: ami-8536d6e7
   ami: ami-acd005d5
   ami: ami-1a7f6d7e
   ami: ami-c7ee5ca8

IAM Roles

Default IAM permission for ciinabox stack running Jenkins server are set in config/default_params.yml, under ecs_iam_role_permissions_default configuration key. You can extend this permissions on a ciinabox level using ecs_iam_role_permissions_extras key. E.g.

(within $CIINABOXES_DIR/$CIINABOX/config/params.yml)

    name: allow-bucket-policy
      - s3:PutBucketPolicy

Allowing connections from NAT gateway

If ECS Cluster and running Jenkins will try to access itself via public route and url, you will need to allow such traffic using Security Group rules. As NAT Gateway is used for sending all requests to internet, it is NAT Gateways IP address that should be added to Group rules. Use allow_nat_connections configuration key for this.

allow_nat_connections: false