- React can be written without
. JSX is way to write react components in a earier manner. JSX removes the necessity ofReact.createElement
etc... React.createElement()
React returns an object not a html component, the object contain the object map data like Tag, Properties and children (information about the tag) .- once the
element is rendered then it will REPLACE the entore root, it will never append in the same tag. - Parcel is the bundler: used behind the scenes of CREATE REACT_APP
is not abbriviation for Node Package Manager, npm is a pckage manager and it handles all the packagesnpx
is a package execution command. npm and npx are different.- why not use CDN links in
to link react to our project : links are not a good way as they are network calls, we need something locally. with Parcel, we havenode_modules
embedded in the project which can be run withinstall
command. package.json
is the config file for npm.
Dev. dependency : Its generally required when in Dev env
Normal dependency: It's like normal, can be used for prod as well.
=> install minor version when update available like: 1.1.3, 1.1.4 etc..
=> install major version when update available 2.0.0 etc..
- Refreshes app after file save: works as
HMR (Hot Module Replace)
HMR works as Parcel has a file watching algo written in C++. - Create a local server
- Faster builds as it uses cache mechanism
- Image optimisation
- File minification
- Bundling the code
- Compress the files
- Consists hashing algos
- Code splitting
Differential building
: means building the app in different browsers and providing compatibility with minimalistic changes and by default.- Diagnostics as provide what to for the error resolving.
- Good error handling and suggestions to fix
Tree shaking
remove unused code from the files as part of minification
generates app.js
in dev packges.json
to generate the prod build need to remove that line as it conflicts with index.html
npx parcel index.html
Prod:npx parcel build index.html
- add start and build commnds in
key inpackages.json
. npm run start
can be excuted asnpm start
also- rest of the commands should be expectued as
npm run ***
is nothtml
is ahtml/xml
like syntax.- Never using
from now on, as we have a simpler one inJSX
- JS engine doesn't understand JSX code, parcel transpile (convert it to a form which JS engine understand, babel does the job, its a package dependency in parcel bundle) the jsx code before it reaches JS engine, then it executes
- JSR attributes should be given with
its a plain javascript function, we commonly use arrow functions here. name it with a Title case to avoid errors. This element just returns a JSX.
<!-- React Element -->
const val = (
<h1 className="head">
Header here
<!-- React Functional component -->
const Val = () => (
<h1 className="head">
Header here
React functional components should be renders using TAG syntax, React element will be rendered with object name.
<!-- Rendering element -->
<!-- Rendering a component -->
root.render(<Val />);
<!-- functional component -->
const HeadingComponent = () => {
return "<h1>header here</h1>"
Example: if only 1 return element is there
<!-- functional component -->
const Val = () => {
return true;
is exactly same as below only when 1 parameter present
<!-- functional component -->
const Val = () => true
- Component composition: means writing a component in another component.
- javascript code can be added inside JSX using
add code between curly braces - We can mix n match any component. react element can be added in functional component and plain html and vice-versa.
- JSX will provide cross site scrpting safety, it will sanitize the JS data. XSS safe, is automatically taken care by React.
- calling a javascript like
or<Title />
are same while executing.
- can pass arguments to a component using props and can be access like
name="Pista House"
cuisine="Biryani, North Indian"
const RestaurantCard = (props) => { }
* can try destructuring like this too
* const {name, cuisine} = props
* to avoid using props.name
* or props param can be replaced with {name, cuine} for on the fly destructuring as well.
- whenever using array.map() please assign a unique to key parameter. never use index as a key as the order might change. React doesn;t recommend putting index as key. using KEY is must considering rendering and memory optimising.
- read about the file structure in react documentstion "React file structure". as React doesn;t have any specific structure. Its based on individual or project req's.
- follow a single process, either go by components specific or feature or type specdific.
Two types of import
import Component from "Path"
>>import {export constant} from "path"
Two types of export
export default const_name
//when one variable
>>export const = ""
when multi //called named export
- React hook is a normal JS function which is given by React from FB developers inside React.
--> super powerful state variables.userEffect()
- Whenever a state variable updates REACT re-renders the comonent.
- React used reconciliation algorthm (React Fiber)
- Once the component is rendered, React will create the Virtual DOM (which is a representation of actual DOM). ex: is the virutal DOM bcz its not an actual HTML, its a React Object.
- Diff algorithm: it finds the difference between old virtual dom and new virtual dom, it will calculate the diffrence and update the component to re-render.
- React Fibre (released in React v16.0): its the way of finding the difference and updating the component.
- To read more about React Fiber: refer to (https://github.com/acdlite/react-fiber-architecture)
- Why React is fast ----> bcz its doing efficient DOM manipulation, it does incremental rendering (update the frame in small chunks with multiple frames), React can efficiently finds out the diff between virtual DOM and update the components. [UI layer and Data layer will be kept in sync].
- Monolith Architecture: Everything at one place (UI, API, Services, DB all in one place)
- Micro service architecture: breaking every item into smallest possible services, all together combined will become a bigger app. small small chunks put together to make it bigger.
- work with separation of concern and single responsibilities.
- useEffect(arg1 , arg2 )
- Conditional rendering: render content according to condition is called conditional rendering
- whenver React state variable changes, the React will re-renderthe component.
- useEffect will call everytime the component re-rendered when the dependency array is not present.
- Never define your useState hooks outside the component, thats the reason they are called local state variables.
- Never create a useState() inside an IF_ELSE or LOOPS or FUNCTIONS as it will create inconsistencies.
- ************** To avoid using CORS extention try giving https://corsproxy.io/? as prefix toyour API URL. **************
useEffect(() => {//Call back function with out dependency array})
useEffect(() => {//Call back function with empty dependency array will called only once at the start render}, [])
useEffect(() => {//Call back function with a dependency array will called whenever the btnReact state updated}, [btnReact])
- https://reactrouter.com/en/main site install it
npm install react-router-dom
- Rounting example syntax:
import { createBrowserRouter, RouterProvider } from "react-router-dom";
// Router creation
const appRouter = createBrowserRouter([
{ path: "/", element: <AppLayout /> },
{ path: "/about", element: <About />, childeren: [//children will be added to the same above//]},
- For error related details of routing
import { useRouteError } from "react-router-dom";
<!-- inside the component to know the issue -->
const error = useRouteError();
- Types of Routing in web apps
Client side rounting: what react does like, single page apps.
Server side routing: API call sends which page to transition to. etc...
//Class based component
import React from "react";
class UserClass extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return (
<div className="user-card">
<h2>Name : {this.props.name}</h2>
<h3>Location : {this.props.location}</h3>
export default UserClass;
- never update state variable in class based components directly, it won't work and triggers inconsistencies
- componentDidMount() method is called from this, as all the components are rendered.
- first Parent constructor, Parent render, child1 constructor, child1 render, child2 constructor, child2 render, child 1 component mount, child2 component, parent mount.... in the order.
- React is fast: it has 2 phases
Render phase commit phase
- useEffet() will call unmount method in functional component in the return statement of useeffect. where as Class component has componentWIllUnmount()
- React architecture diagram will be available in project.wojtek. along with versions.
- In the production its important to chunk the single js file. this process is called Chunking, lazy loading, code splitting, dynamic bundling, on-demand loading etc... all these refers to single thing.
- just the below 4 lines of code will improve the performance magically.
//example of lazy loading
lazy hook from React
import React, {lazy, Suspense} from react;
let's not import GROCERY like below
//import Grocery from "./components/Grocery.js"
we can try below
const Grocery = lazy(() => import("./components/Grocery.js"));
while calling the component
<Suspense fallback={/** try some component or loading or shimmer ***/}><Grovery /></Suspense>
- Sass >> Syntactically awesome style sheets (https://sass-lang.com/)
- with React we use styled Components (https://styled-components.com/)
- https://mui.com/material-ui/, Bootstrap, ChakraUI, Ant design for React etc...
- Higher order components: its a function that takes a component and returns a component.
<!-- calling -->
import RestaurantCard, { withCategory } from "./RestaurantCard";
<!-- component creation -->
const RestaurantCardWithCatagory = withCategory(RestaurantCard);
<!-- {/* returning the higher order component with catagory */} -->
<RestaurantCardWithCatagory data={product} />
<!-- example for implementation -->
export const withCategory = (RestaurantCard) => {
return (props) => {
return (
<label className="absolute bg-slate-700 text-white mx-6 my-1 px-2 shadow-black rounded">
<RestaurantCard {...props} />
Higher order functions - remove duplicates in different ways https://builtin.com/software-engineering-perspectives/remove-duplicates-from-array-javascript
Accordion example: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/build-accordion-menu-in-react-without-external-libraries/ https://www.sitepoint.com/react-js-accordion-component/
Controlled and Uncontrolled components: Controlled component is example as accordion which can be auto collapsed from parent, like parent FOOD ORDER can control the RestaurantCatagory using a state, RestaurantCatagory will be updated using the parameter from PROPS. rest are uncontrolled.
lifting the STATE up
Prop drilling
- Redux library is not mandatory in React. It manages state and works on Data layer. Redux is mostly used in Large scale apps.
- Install Redux toolkit and React-Redux
install @reduxjs/toolKit and install react-redux
Process invloved:
1. Build the store
2. Connect the store to the app
3. Create a store slice.
4. Dispatch an action and Reducer function to update the data
5. Read data with Selector.