- made with Svelte
- How to add environment variables
- John Smilga - Svelte Store Project
- Practical Svelte: The use-directive
- Drag and Drop box using Svelte
- Creating an inline editable component in Svelte and publishing to NPM
- Lets Create: A Data Visualization using Svelte
- Lazy Loading Images in Svelte
- RealWorld example application including auth
- How to Setup Svelte with GraphQL, TypeScript and Material-UI
- Fixing memory leaks in web applications
- Tree component: - Recursion using "svelte:self"
- Custom Youtube Component
- How to Create a Package for Svelte
- Svelte Community
- Data Fetching
- Adding Environment Variables to Svelte TypeScript Project
- Building A Web App With Go & Svelte
- Svelte Society Recipes and Components
- Modern fetch in Svelte using stores
- Cheat Sheet
- Adding Tailwind and Daisy UI to SvelteKit
- Svelte setup with Vite, Tailwind, DaisyUI and custom themes
- SvelteKit crash course with Tailwind CSS and DaisyUI, GraphQL and dynamic routes
- sveltestrap - Bootstrap 5 components for Svelte
- svelma - Bulma
- daisyUI - the most popular, free and open-source Tailwind CSS component library
- Svelte Material UI
- SvelteUI - components, actions, utilities, animations
- Skeleton - UI toolkit for Svelte and Tailwind
- Radix Svelte - port of Radix UI for Svelte
- melt-ui - set of headless, accessible component builders for Svelte
- shadcn-svelte - shadcn/ui for Svelte
- drab - unstyled Svelte component library
- Svelte-select: a select component for Svelte apps
- Svelte-Awesome - Font-Awesome icons components
- Svelte image - preprocessor which automates image optimization
- svelte-dnd-action - action based drag and drop container
- [appwrite]https://github.com/appwrite/sdk-for-svelte
- Svelvet - lightweight component library for building interactive node-based diagrams
- Svelte bindings for frappe-charts - Modern, Open Source SVG Charts
- pancake - responsive charts
- Layer Cake
- Svelte wrapper for chart.xkcd
- How to Localize a Svelte App with svelte-i18n
- svelte-i18n
- typesafe-i18n - type-safe and lightweight internationalization library (video)
- Inlang - localization solution build on top of Mozilla's Fluent (video)
- sveltekit-i18n - tiny library with no external dependencies
- Svelte Forms Validation
- Yup
- A lightweight library for managing forms in Svelte
- Build forms fast and easy in Svelte
- Sveltik - Forms in Svelte inspired by Formik
- svelte-forms
- Signup Form with HTML5 Validation in Svelte
- John Smilga - Svelte Store Project - Login
- Svelte: Google Sign In/Out
- JWT token management and session persistence across page refreshes
- Passport - Simple, unobtrusive authentication
- svelvet - Make Svelte play nicely with Snowpack and web_modules
- rollup-plugin-svg-icons - plugin for bundling all svg icons from the speciefed folder to the single spritesheet svg file