This django application turns youtube playlists into podcast RSS feeds. It downloads and then serves them, in the future I might do lazy downloading. You can use the docker-compose file to host it.
Go to localhost:8000 to see a listing of all podcasts. To add a podcast you need a name and an optional playlist. A django-q scheduled action will sync all podcasts once a day. To sync manually press sync on the podcast's detail page. On the detail page you can also manually upload mp3s that get added to the podcast.
write a file with the following keys
API_KEY: Youtube Data APIv3 key
SECRET_KEY: django secret key
ALLOWED_HOSTS: allowed hosts for your site
DEBUG: django debug mode
DJANGO_MANAGEPY_MIGRATE: set to 'on' to migrate everytime the container starts
SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE= 'False' during development and 'True' during deployment
CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE= 'False' during development and 'True' during deployment
docker-compose up -d