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Examples of use

Arjun Gadhia edited this page Jan 26, 2019 · 3 revisions

/Italicise Previous!dw,i($0)

/Bolden Previous!dw,i($0)

/Italics!i(__),j - this writes the two underscores then moves the cursor between them

/Copy All!yy

/Repeat word x4!dw,4p - repeats the previous word 4 times

/rly sad!1000i(πŸ˜₯)

/darkcircle!ds,fancy(darkcircle) - replaces selection or everything with πŸ…£πŸ…”πŸ…§πŸ…£ πŸ…›πŸ…˜πŸ…šπŸ…” πŸ…£πŸ…—πŸ…˜πŸ…’. Choose from circle, darkcircle, square,darksquare,double,monospace,fancy,fancybold.

Warning: weird unicode characters look cool but break accessibility software, so please don't use in public places!

/exec!dt(!),e($0) - this is meta, it enables you to write and execute commands inline in a text field by writing e.g. !10e(^, i(* ), ^) and hitting the exec key

/bullets!10e(^, i(* ), ^) - prepends "* " the the previous 10 lines

/emojigame!10rnde - outputs 10 random emoji

/feeling lucky!rnd,s - sends a random kboard key

/birthday!dw,rnd(Happy Birthday name;Hey name, happy birthday.;hb2u;Have a great day name),fr(name,$0) - write a name, then press this key to send a random birthday message to this name

/bdaysend!birthday,s - Can also have commands that refer to other command keys you've made'

/uuid!curl( - Can make arbitrary GET requests to URLS

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