We adhere to the principles of Datensparsamkeit and abhor the use of personally identifiable information. We counteract fingerprinting and other means of diluting visitor privacy.
Implementation should take as little work as possible. Instead, AEM Oversight will understand the experience and attaches itself to interesting events.
To ensure uniformity and universality of the collected data, only one direction of customization should be supported: to gather less data, not more.
We care more about how people interact with experiences than how the experiences are implemented. Therefore we stay as close to the user interface as possible.
The AEM Oversight data stock is owned by Adobe and maintained to provide insights for site operators. We actively grow, foster and prune the data.
Compute should happen as close to the beneficiary of the computation as possible. This means, as little compute in the visitors's browser as possible and as much on the decider's browser as reasonable