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Building your own branch of ci jenkins pipelines or temurin build

Andrew Leonard edited this page Feb 13, 2023 · 8 revisions

You can now run a build pipeline using your own branch of either ci-jenkins-pipelines or temurin-build, simply by setting parameters appropriately, as follows:

Some things to "note" is as follows:

  • The "defaultsJson" are the "User" defaults for various parameters, and is relevant when "useAdoptBashScripts" is set to false.
  • The "adoptDefaultsJson" are the "Adopt" defaults for various parameters, and is relevant when "useAdoptBashScripts" is set to true.
  • The downstream build jobs now get passed the "USER_REMOTE_CONFIGS" (if useAdoptBashScripts==false, constructed from the defaultsJson pipeline branch & url), DEFAULTS_JSON and ADOPT_DEFAULTS_JSON from the openjdkNN-pipeline job.

To build using your own branch of temurin-build or ci-jenkins-pielines:

  1. Select the and select "Build with parameters"
  2. Set "useAdoptBashScripts" to false
  3. Within "defaultsJson" "repository" section, change the values of "build_branch" and "build_url" to be your fork and branch of temurin-build.
  4. Within "defaultsJson" "repository" section, change the values of "pipeline_branch" and "pipeline_url" to be your fork and branch of ci-jenkins-pipelines.
  5. "Build"