Releases: adsabs/ADSMasterPipeline
populate both aff and aff_raw
after other code is updated to not use aff_raw a better cleanup that reverts to old code is needed.
also changed celery constructor
update solr on aff change and setuptools
Master should update solr when a bibcode's attribute is updated. This was not happening for augments/affiliations.
Use the latest pipeline utils to pick up the right setuptools.
solr field aff is now a virtual field
master should not populate solr field aff, it is a virtual field
aff_raw now received from affiliation pipeline, if not available we use value of import pipeline's aff field
fix computed homedir path
Merge pull request #110 from spacemansteve/master fix directory bug in reindex
fixed local variable that stepped on imported package name
Merge pull request #109 from spacemansteve/master fixed local variable that stepped on imported package name
Sanity check and improved logging
Small and useful changes to the rebuild index code.
fix argparse bug
Merge pull request #107 from spacemansteve/master tweak argparse to fix bug
Updated release of ADSPipelineUtils
Changed requirements.txt to use latest version, required for new facility field.
Index Rebuild and Facility Field
Support for periodic index rebuilds. Master can now populate a new solr index from scratch and then use it to replace the old index. Typically populates 'collection2' and when switches it with 'collection1'.
Support for solr 'facility' field populated with data from fulltext pipeline.
resolver pdf link for direct ingest
previously, only html link was being sent