- Go to Digital Signature Document.
- Add Configuration like for any Doctype you can select Sales order.
- If you search DSC Sales Order you got list view .
- You need to add client sctip for this doctype :
frappe.ui.form.on('DSC Sales Order', {
setup: function (frm) {
frm.set_query("document", function () {
return {
"filters": {
'docstatus': 1
before_workflow_action: function (frm) {
after_workflow_action: function (frm) {
if (frm.doc.workflow_action != "Cancel") {
function trigger_docusign_authorization(frm) {
'method': "docusign_integration.dsc_api.get_access_code",
'args': {
'doctype': frm.doc.doctype,
'docname': frm.doc.name
freeze: true,
freeze_message: __("Sending to Docusign"),
'callback': function (r) {
if (r.message) {
window.location.href = r.message;
} else {
// Handle error - provide informative message to user
frappe.throw({ title: "Docusign Error", message: "Error initiating Docusign signing." });
'error': function () {
frappe.throw({ title: "Docusign Error", message: "Error communicating with Docusign." });
Here you remove your Actual Doctype created from.
After this you add server script on doc event Before Validate.
if doc.document_type and not frappe.db.exists("Custom Field",{'dt':doc.document_type,'fieldname':'dsc_status'}):
status = frappe.new_doc("Custom Field")
status.dt = doc.document_type
status.label = 'DSC Status'
status.fieldname = 'dsc_status'
status.fieldtype = "Data"
status.allow_on_submit = 1
status.read_only = 1
status.no_copy = 1
if doc.workflow_state:
doc.previous_state = doc.workflow_state
save this document Your Document is ready for Sign.