Label 12 usage has only been observed with Spirit Airlines (NK) to date.
Please provide examples of any other air carriers making use of this label.
Recorded Tuesday, July 5, 2022 19:54:14 UTC
POSN 295754W 953809,-------,1954, 314,, 23,17788 11,FOB 90,ETA 2000,MMUN,KIAH,
The first field after POS is the location, given as latitude and logitude: *** N 295754 *** W 953809
The third field appears to be the time in UTC.
*** The eighth field says "FOB 90". In some contextx, FOB means "fuel on board", but it is not clear that is the meaning here. *** The ninth field appears to be the expected time of arrival in UTC "ETA 2000". *** The tenth field is the airport of departure (MMUN = Cancun, Mexico). *** The eleventh field is the airport of arrival (KIAH = Houston Intercontinental, Texas, USA).
Recorded Wednesday, July 6, 2022 23:21:22 UTC
POSN 300018W 953852,-------,2321, 318,, 23,17365 8,FOB 80,ETA 2326,MHLM,KIAH,
This example is very similar to the first example.
Recorded Thursday, July 7, 2022 11:39:39 UTC
POSN 295743W 953932,-------,1139,1040,, 8,15992 9,FOB 208,ETA 1409,KIAH,KLAS,
This was recorded shortly after takeoff, and so the ETA (field 9) is several hours later than the time the message was recorded.
N 50.308,E 8.443,32892\r
N,H,04AUG22 11:27:51,2908,R,N 46.403 W 94.162,
N 47.293,W 93.453,36001,121929, 193,.C-FLBV,1432