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EVM Smart Contracts

The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is a spec of a limited instruction set that has been used to run smart contracts in the Ethereum networks. The EVM that was created through the Hyperledger Burrow project and has been integrated into Fabric, allowing deployment on contracts that can be compiled into EVM bytecode.

The EVM is installed into Fabric as a user chaincode and then smart contracts can be deployed through that. A single EVM chaincode is enough to run multiple ethereum smart contracts on a channel. The chaincode does not adopt ethereum's method of consensus. All transactions will still follow the execute, order, validate steps in the Fabric transaction flow. Be sure to install the chaincode on enough peers in different orgs and set an endorsement policy that ensures a degree of decentralization. In order to interact with the smart contracts that have been deployed there is a fab3 which implements a limited set of APIs from the Ethereum JSON RPC API and therefore can be used as a web3 provider.

Installing the EVM Chaincode

The EVM chaincode is located in the fabric-chaincode-evm repo under evmcc. To install the chaincode follow the usual steps to install a chaincode. The following instructions are based on the version 1.3 of first-network tutorial in the fabric-samples.

Mount the EVM Chaincode

Update the docker-compose-cli.yaml with the volumes to include the fabric-chaincode-evm.

      - ./../../fabric-chaincode-evm:/opt/gopath/src/

Start the network by running:

  ./byfn up

Build and Start the EVM

  docker exec -it cli bash

If successful, you should see the following prompt


To change which peer is targeted change the following environment variables:

  # Environment variables for PEER0
  export CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/opt/gopath/src/[email protected]/msp
  export CORE_PEER_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE=/opt/gopath/src/

Next install the EVM chaincode on all the peers

    peer chaincode install -n evmcc -l golang -v 0 -p

Instantiate the evmcc and replace <channel-name> with the channel name

    peer chaincode instantiate -n evmcc -v 0 -C <channel-name> -c '{"Args":[]}' -o --tls --cafile /opt/gopath/src/

Interact with the EVM Chaincode

There are two general ways to interact with the EVM Chaincode: the usual Fabric tools & Web3

Using the Peer CLI

In general the evm expects two arguments, the to address and the input that is necessary in ethereum transactions.

The following is an example that deploys and interacts with the Simple Storage contract.

Deploying a Contract

To deploy smart contracts the to field is the zero address and the input is the compiled evm bytecode of the contract.

  peer chaincode invoke -n evmcc -C <channel-name>  -c '{"Args":["0000000000000000000000000000000000000000","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"]}' -o --tls --cafile /opt/gopath/src/

The payload of that transaction will be the contract address for your deployed contract. To verify that your contract has deployed successful you can query the evmcc for the runtime bytecode of the contract:

  peer chaincode query -n evmcc -C <channel-name> -c '{"Args":["getCode","<contract addr>"]}'

The payload of that query should return the runtime bytecode which should be the following:


Interacting with a Deployed Contract

To interact with the deployed smart contract you need to use the contract address that you received in the previous section.

The Simple Storage Contract has two functions, set(x) and get(). In these transactions the to field is the contract address and the input field is the function hash concatenated with any of the required arguments.

Let's first set the value being stored. The function hash for set is 60fe47b1 and we want to set the value to 10 then we need to concatenate the hash with 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a

  peer chaincode invoke -n evmcc -C <channel-name> -c '{"Args":["<contract-address>","60fe47b1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a"]}' -o --tls --cafile /opt/gopath/src/

Now to verify that the function was invoked we can query the value by running get which has the function hash 6d4ce63c.

  peer chaincode query -n evmcc -C <channel-name> -c '{"Args":["<contract-address>","6d4ce63c"]}' --hex

The output of that query should result in a payload of a.

Getting the User Account Address

As Fabric does not use user accounts, as part of the EVM CC no user account information is stored. However we do have a mechanism to generate a user account address from the user's public key. This is used for the EVMCC transactions when needed. We also provide a mechanism information users to access that address if they would like.

  peer chaincode query -n evmcc -C <channel-name> -c '{"Args":["account"]}'

The payload will be your user address.

Using Web3

Web3.js is a library that improves the user experience in deploying and managing EVM smart contracts. It expects a provider that has implemented the Ethereum JSON RPC API. The Fab Proxy has support for a limited set the APIs that do allow for using web3. The following should not be done in the cli docker container. It should be done outside where you would like to run the proxy.

Setting up the Fab Proxy

The fabric proxy uses the Fabric Go SDK to connect and interact with the fabric network. To start you will need a SDK config. This config will work for the first-network example. The config assumes that the fabric-samples repo is in your $GOPATH and that all your certs will be in default location of the first-network example.

The proxy depends on a set of Environment variables to work.

  # Environment Variables for Fab3:
  export FAB3_CONFIG=${GOPATH}/src/ # Path to a compatible Fabric SDK Go config file
  export FAB3_USER=User1 # User identity being used for the proxy (Matches the users names in the crypto-config directory specified in the config)
  export FAB3_ORG=Org1  # Organization of the specified user
  export FAB3_CHANNEL=mychannel # Channel to be used for the transactions
  export FAB3_CCID=evmcc # ID of the EVM Chaincode deployed in your fabric network. If not provided default is evmcc.
  export FAB3_PORT=5000 # Port the proxy will listen on. If not provided default is 5000.

Set the required variables before running the proxy.

Building the Fab Proxy

The proxy can be built like other go projects. Make sure you are at the root of this repo and the repo is in your gopath.

  make fab3

You should see a binary fab3 in the bin subdirectory. If you have set the required environment variables you can run the proxy by


If you used the default port you should see output like the following:

{"level":"info","ts":1550530404.3546276,"logger":"fab3","caller":"cmd/main.go:143","msg":"Starting Fab3","port":5000}
Connecting to the Proxy

The following directions require node and web3 to be installed. The instructions follow the web3 api for version 0.20.2 To install the same version of web3 run:

npm install [email protected]

After installing the correct version of web3, in a node session run the following to connect to the proxy:

  > Web3 = require('web3')
  > web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:5000'))

If successful you should be able to get your account address. The first query or transaction you run with the proxy will take a little longer than others since the SDK is using the discovery service to find out about all the peers on the network.

  > web3.eth.accounts

And you should see an single element array with your account address. In order to run any transactions web3 requires web3.eth.defaultAccount to be set

  > web3.eth.defaultAccount = web3.eth.accounts[0]

Deploying a Smart Contract

This process should be familiar to the Ethereum style of deploying contracts using web3. For the this example we will be using the Simple Storage contract.

You will need the compiled evm bytecode and the ABI of the contract to proceed.

  > simpleStorageABI = [
  		"constant": false,
  		"inputs": [
  				"name": "x",
  				"type": "uint256"
  		"name": "set",
  		"outputs": [],
  		"payable": false,
  		"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
  		"type": "function"
  		"constant": true,
  		"inputs": [],
  		"name": "get",
  		"outputs": [
  				"name": "",
  				"type": "uint256"
  		"payable": false,
      "stateMutability": "view",
      "type": "function"

  > simpleStorageBytecode = '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'

  > SimpleStorage = web3.eth.contract(simpleStorageABI)

  > deployedContract =[], {data: simpleStorageBytecode})
  > myContract =

Interacting with a Previously Deployed Contract

If you already had a deployed Simple Storage contract you can create an contract instance using the contract address. The following assumes you have already created the Simple Storage Object type using the SimpleStorageABI.

  > myContract =<contract-address>)

Now lets interact with the contract by setting the value to 10.

  > myContract.set(10)

To verify that the transaction worked you can query the value set by running get()

  > myContract.get().toNumber()

That should return 10