Get the files:
git clone
- or download the zip
To open the calculator, open calc/index.html in a web browser.
If nodejs is installed, it's possible to start a server that serves the same page. To do so, one have to:
npm install
npm start
Thereafter http://localhost:3000/ will serve the same page.
Day 1: Let's talk about the internet: what is a page/server/client/browser? HTML + CSS basics: we talk about html, write the skeleton for the calculator. In addition we start with simple CSS formatting.
Day 2: Finishing the HTML + CSS, so we can continue with JavaScript, implementing the logic.
Day 3: finishing javascript ( +server if we have time)
Day 4: demo day
- kids can format the calculator as they wish (see style.css file for links)
- those that are fast can implement more calculator functionality (eg.: %, +/-)
- if time allows it we can make the server version better, so it can save calculations