- Babel
- Webpack
- Bundling
- Adding images and css and styles
- Imperative vs Declerative
- JSX,Conventions on react
- embeding expression in JSX
- Props
- spread attributes
- passing props
- event handling in react
- Stateless components (functional)
- Stateful components (class components)
- updating state
- setState
- state properties
- props vs state
- Lists or
- keys
- Virtual DOM
- Reconciliation (going to be renamed to React Fibre)
- Component lifecycle
- State and Lifecycle
- Conditional Rendering
- Controlled form, uncontrolled form
- Composition Containment
- store
- actions
- dispatcher
- architecture
- applying middleware
- redux thunk
- style guide
- Provider
- connect()
- mapStateToProps
- mapDispatchToProps
- Hooks
- Link
- Route
- exact
- render method & component method
- BrowserRouter
- Switch
- no match
- Authentication
- match object
- Dynamic routing with match object
- params
- path
- url
- history object
- location
- pathname
- search
- push
- replace
- goBack
- goForward
- go()
- length
- action
- location
- Hooks API
- useHistory
- useLocation
- useParams
- useRouteMatch
More React:
- Top Level API
- Other React APIS
- Hooks
- useState
- useEffect
- Custom Hooks
- Rules of Hooks
- PropTypes and Type checking
- Webpack
- Configuring React without CRA
- Optimising Performance
- Pure Component
- Hydrate Component
- Context
- Error Boundaries
- Portals
- Suspense/Lazy loading (CONCURRENT mode-new/experimental)
- Testing