After your pull request, this list must still be elligible for awesome.
- Respect the formats, the order and the categories described below.
- Every item MUST be added at the end of the list (except for Apps & Websites in Expo Category).
- Please list the items you have added in the description of the pull request (if applicable) for faster PR approbation.
- Be awesome. 👓
- Every item MUST have the following format:
[Item Name](link) - Description
. - Every name and description must be in English.
- Descriptions must start with an uppercase character and ends two spaces.
- Descriptions must be short and explicit.
- ✔ Adds better default styles to form elements.
- ✔ Adds configurable transition utilities, with or without CSS variables.
- ✖ Adds classes for showing and hiding elements in different display variations in combination with Vue's v-cloak directive. - Too long
- ✖ Adds utility classes - Not explicit
This category contains useful links that are official or widely known and used in the Bulma community. If you find something that we forgot to add here, or if you built something a while ago that has become quite popular in the community, feel free to add it. Otherwise, it most likely belongs in the other categories. When adding your item to the list, please add it at the end.
This category contains boilerplates projects, starters projects and tools made for using Bulma. When adding your item to the list, please add it at the end.
This category contains templates made with Bulma. When adding your item to the list, please add it at the end.
If you made an extension that makes the usage of Bulma easier, make sure it is properly distributable before adding it to the list. When adding your item to the list, please add it at the end.
Open-source projects that use Bulma can be featured in this category if you feel that it is awesome enough. Please don't add newly-created projects though, and wait for them to get sort of popular before sending your pull request. When adding your item to the list, please add it at the end.
Anything that is a material that can be used to better understand Bulma can be added here. Awesome blog posts, code samples, tutorials on any platform are welcome. When adding an item, please try to logically group them below other similar items, or by emoji. When adding your item to the list, please add it at the end.
This category should contain UI libraries made with and for Bulma, as well as standalone components that are optimized for distribution. When adding your item to the list, please add it at the end.
This category consists of side projects that enhance Bulma. When adding your item to the list, please add it at the end.
Any application, blog, or website that was built with Bulma and that is awesome enough can be added here. It must be something that features what can be done with the framework. You can promote your own stuff here too. No description needed. When adding your item to the list, please add it at the top.